Hemi Hot Sauce

Kato's Hemi hot sauce has been made with a few delays but is here now.

Made in the fashion of Kato's Down South but full of garlic a new twist on an old recipe. We have the sauce unlabeled as of now still waiting on labels. We can sell a few unlabeled hemi hot sauces for $3.00 a bottle or 4 bottles for $10.00 as soon as we have the new labels this offer will expire and the price will be right in line with the other Kato Sauces $5.99 each.

If you would like to take advantage of this limited offer just pm me saying you are intersted.

We have access to an autolabe that makes it alot easier.

We usually label after it fills just this time we were still having discusssions on the label after the run date came up.

Hemi is the name of our newest dog an AKC registered Chocolate Lab.

As for the label we are still trying to work it out as to what it will look like. I don't want his pic on the label as that was Kato's thing. I'm trying to convince everyone to use text and everyone wants to use his pic. Cause he is a great looking dog but I won't budge on this cause like I said Kato is the face of our company.

That was Kato's thing eating habanero's Hemi bit into one 1 time and now he only sniffs them and growls. I'm afraid he'll never acquire the taste. Kato was such a ham when the food network showed up to film him eating habanero's he ate all that we brought right off. No chance for 2 takes.

DO you have a video of kato eating the habs? Can I find it online?

By the way guys, I've tried the Hemi sauce and it's goooooooddddd! The scotch bonnets really give this sauce a great flavor.
Not sure if you can get it online. It was on a food network show called food finds (hot & spicy) I don't think the show airs any longer. We do have it on a dvd we made. We can see about burning you a copy in the future after the sauce contest. Kato was a chile eater from way back he used to pick the pods from our plants till I built a fence around the garden.

The Hemi hot sauce is now our top seller. To celebrate this Kato's is offering a Hemi hot sauce(5oz) & a Down South hot sauce(6oz) for the reduced cost of $10.00 + $6.00 shipping contact us either by PM or call our toll free # 888-528-KATO(5286)

kato said:
The Hemi hot sauce is now our top seller. To celebrate this Kato's is offering a Hemi hot sauce(5oz) & a Down South hot sauce(6oz) for the reduced cost of $10.00 + $6.00 shipping contact us either by PM or call our toll free # 888-528-KATO(5286)

Take him up on this deal folks! Such a great hot sauce. I sat at a bar once eating spoonful after spoonfull of it!