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Here I Go Again

So JoshuaP2000 was kind enough to send me a couple Butch T Scorpion pods he grew. I tried half of one and man are they hot. I harvested seeds and now will commence to grow them out myself. I am going to update this log weekly and your input will be warmly welcomed. I didnt allow the seeds to dry before I planted them, I dont know if it will mean failure, but we will see. If they dont grow, I have more seeds that are drying now...

The old familiar sight...

And the painful waiting process...
Thanks Nova. It will be an indoor grow throughout the winter. I have a spot I can keep around a steady 80 degrees with lights and timers and fans, should be all good.
Ok so I scrapped the first lot of seeds because I received Jiffy Pots Jumbo the next week and planted 2 seeds per Jiffy. I didnt update because you all know what Jiffy Pods look like. LOL Anyways, 3 weeks after planting I FINALLY have seedlings. The 12 Jiffy Pods on the right have Butch T Scorpions in them and the 8 on the left have Yellow 7 Pots in them. They are on a 14 on 10 off light cycling and doing fine, nice and green, seem to be happy. These Jiffy Jumbos are huge, almost as big as a 12 ounce can of beer! So far I have 20 Butch T Scorpions and 14 Yellow 7 Pots.
I know this is my Butch T grow log, but I wanted to show you what 150 Red Bhut Jolokias and 66 Chocolate Bhut Jolokias will give you in seeds. I cut the tops off and took the seeds out, the skins went in my dehydraters today.
Red Seeds Plate 1...

Red Seeds Plate 2...

Chocolate Ghost Seeds...
Hi Matt, good to see you again.

When do you plan, if at all, to separate the seedlings?

A couple of years ago when I was getting seeds from peppers I decided to save all of the placenta that came out with them and dry and powder it. Looking at all of the placenta in those plates you could have a few pounds of it! Wicked hot stuff.

Looking forward to watching your log, best of luck to you.
So JoshuaP2000 was kind enough to send me a couple Butch T Scorpion pods he grew. I tried half of one and man are they hot. I harvested seeds and now will commence to grow them out myself. I am going to update this log weekly and your input will be warmly welcomed. I didnt allow the seeds to dry before I planted them, I dont know if it will mean failure, but we will see. If they dont grow, I have more seeds that are drying now...

The old familiar sight...

And the painful waiting process...

this kind of reminds me of powder chocolate donuts.
I just did something similar to your set up but they were all touching and the roots grew into neighbouring pellets. When they were ready for transplant I had to pull them apart and some roots were torn off. If you can separate them, do and they won't have to regrow roots.

Good luck :)
Ok I missed a week on updates, damn 3rd shift. Anyways, big changes since. I have selected the 15 best seedlings and transplanted them in to pots so they can grow happily. They are in ProMix potting soil. This is my first time trying it and I have heard good stuff about it so why not? :D :D :D I dont like readint directions, never have and thats why the Butch T's soil looks the way it does, I didnt pre moisten the soil and its hard to get it to suck the water up from the bottom.
Butch T's

The one in the peanut butter jar is just cause I want to see how long it takes to get root bound. Gonna be a bit of a bugger to get out once it is, but I can always cut the jar since its plastic.

I am also growing out 8 Yellow 7 Pot seeds that I got from Josh. I actually pre-moistened the soil this time, made life alot easier...

Heres everyone I am growing so far. Almost 1st of November and I have seedlings? Man its gonna be a looooooong winter. They have atleast 6 months til they can go outside, but this will be mainly an indoor grow, if I can find the space...

I took 2 of the trays and spliced them, used a good glue and caulk and its waterproof again, I figured this way I can water everyone in one shot, maybe Im lazy. LOL
Ok I took 2 of the trays and spliced them, used a good glue and caulk and its waterproof again, I figured this way I can water everyone in one shot, maybe Im lazy. LOL

HeHeHe..........there all kinds of trays, Perma-Nest are the ones I use, You can actually carry one with two 2 gal containers and they won't fold or bend.................no broom and dust pan needed

Ok so as usual, I am slacking off on the updates, but here are some pics from today. Things are growing well. The one I placed in the peanut butter jar to watch the roots is growing the best, dont know why. Yes the jar was washed of peanut butter remaints LOL Nobody has had food yet, just water from the tap, I know, bad me, but everything is going well so it must not be bad.

Butch T Scorpions...

Yellow 7 Pots...

The Peanut Butter Jar Scorpion...

It's root system so far...