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Heres Some Isolation rooms....

I built these rooms out of 60% shade cloth and are COMPLETELY sealed up and bug and insect free. Any comments out there as to if these will work?? The rooms measure 12' x 12' x 8'...I just am looking to isolate plants for pure seed growing purposes...please let me hear what u guys think :) There is 3 rooms there all divided off by shade cloth and sealed up...will it work??????





They are basically what I had planned out for my peppers here in Washington. My mesh cloth is white instead and I was going to divide a hoop house with 6mil greenhouse plastic up over the hoops so the screens would only be between the sections with full light from the sides and over the top. We do not get the intense heat/sun most get in the south and in the past did not need to shade them overhead.
the wind can also carry pollen.

are you trying to start a seed selling business?

(if you want to guarantee pure breeding you might need to stop the wind also) :crazy:
That should work. Chiles are not very often, if ever, pollenated by the wind. Keep the bees away, and they should be true.
Yes it should. The Complete Chile Pepper Book has pics of theirs at the university and it shows a white mesh surrounding each plot of peppers which are spaced apart from each other already. It says they only use pods in the center of each one for seed use. I assume this is just for extra insurance that they will be pure seed.
That should help but since your probably growing various varieties in each I would recommend isolating individual pods or branches on each plant....only to be 100% pure...
Never isolated in large-scale. there's a massive seed supplier not to far away... I think it's worth having a look.
so another poster claims wind not a factor

i wonder how is it then the pollen gets dispersed once
the bugs are not there then? :dance:
no you will likely do good with what you have
notice the purity guarantee is about spacing things grown commercially

for quite a few years there were no seed suppliers that would grow habaneros
as they could not guarantee purity

for your seed business you just need to explain you have


and will


when they ask for it? :eek:
You could always try a small fan that moves back and forth on low inside each area to help. I have also seen on here I believe a member using a cheap vibrating toothbrush on the plants to vibrate the stems near the flowers. Their indoor grow were loaded with pods. If it was not on here it was on some youtube videos.They call it buzz pollinating on youtube.
You could always try a small fan that moves back and forth on low inside each area to help. I have also seen on here I believe a member using a cheap vibrating toothbrush on the plants to vibrate the stems near the flowers. Their indoor grow were loaded with pods. If it was not on here it was on some youtube videos.They call it buzz pollinating on youtube.

+1 on the fan...my man,..alot of my plants have pods on them during the indoor grow, due to the ocillating fans,
as far as isolating plants thats done outdoors with "nylon stocking material"...................yes that's what I said
and no problems with cross breeding...
same thing can be done outdoors with the fans but you still need to isolate the plants individually