hey Defcon....

When making extracts...will useing the bih jolokia pepper instead of the habs result in a hotter extract?? or will it turn out about the same?
Hey Guitar God....when did ya relocate to Cleveland, Ohio?? I'm now only about 20 miles or so south of you depending on where you are in cleveland...
Dyce51 said:
Hey Guitar God....when did ya relocate to Cleveland, Ohio?? I'm now only about 20 miles or so south of you depending on where you are in cleveland...
I arrived on the 31st of December. I'm in University Heights about 2 blocks from John Carrol University. Shoot me ur number and we'll get together for some Defcon Zero!
Dyce51 said:
When making extracts...will useing the bih jolokia pepper instead of the habs result in a hotter extract?? or will it turn out about the same?

That's a good question. I haven't played around with the Jolokia's as of yet. But as for being cost effective, with the amount of ZERO we produce, Orange Habs are FAR cheaper than the Jolokias.
DEFCON Creator said:
That's a good question. I haven't played around with the Jolokia's as of yet. But as for being cost effective, with the amount of ZERO we produce, Orange Habs are FAR cheaper than the Jolokias.

I remember you saying you started with 50 lbs of fresh orange habs, dehydrated them down to 5 lbs, then cooked them down to 4 ounces of extract.

Would you need the same amount of the Jolokias?

Just thinking...if the Jolokia is ~4 times hotter than the orange hab, then could you get away with using 12.5 lbs of Jolokias for the same strength of extract?
you know defcon I thought you'd say something different or at least someone else would, something like this. this is my thought, it may be wrong or not but it makes sense to me :lol:

the SHU heat would be the same no matter if using bhuts or jalapenos, I mean you are making capsicum extract, right ? well capsicum is in all chiles that have heat & you're only pulling out the capsicum from the chile pods so 1 million capsicum extract from a bhut or jalapeno would be the same, IMO.
the only difference would be the quantity of pods you need to reach those levels, example you'd need more jalapenos to get really high SHU levels but you'd need less bhut pods to reach that same SHU level. now whats the most cost effective chile to buy & to reach that SHU level you desire ?
How do you make extract yourself, what sort or set up do you have?

With out knowing anything about this I'd have to agree with chilehunter and AB , it makes sence that the hotter the pod the quicker you get to your end product. You guys need some farmers to jump and run with these super hots.
Jolokia's around here are stupidly expensive, Orange Habs are not. They're actually very cheap when bought in bulk. Yes, we use many pounds of them to make the original serum, and then through many distillations, and the use of liquid CO2 as a shock catalyst, as well as a few "ancient Chinese secrets", we reduce it down much further. This stuff was never meant to be made in very large quantities, as it was orginally done just for fun, as I've always been a tinkerer in various dangerous chemical "things". We offer as much as we can at one time. The last ZERO release, over a year ago, the Batch #4, we went through over a gallon of it into the collectors bottles, that took numerous months to make. Back to the original question, it comes down to price for raw materials. Also, in my personal opinion, I really don't like the taste of the Jolokia's, and fear they would add some of that "flavor" to our creation. The ZERO has virtually no taste whatsoever, except for a trace of sweetness left behind by the Orange Habanero.

To answer your question Stillmanz, our setup looks like something out of a Dr. Moreau lab. It's a very "different" looking setup, and one that only a select few have ever seen. In the creation of the Batch #4, I sustained a rather large injury that caused a 8 inch oval to be cryoburned (frostbite) on my lower left arm, due to a malfunctioning o-ring on the CO2 setup. It was quite interesting explaining it to the triage doctor at the hospital. The doctor was actually coughing when I sat down next to him, from the small amounts of Habanero dust that I still had on me. That being said, I've seen numerous ways written on how to extract the good stuff out of a pepper, however, I highly advise you know what you are doing before you set out doing it.
there are a couple of different methods for producing extract...you just have to explore and learn and figure out how you wanna do it....I know Defcon keeps his methods a complete secret. Which is understandable...I searched the net and found a few simple ways to make a crude version and have advanced my technique to get a more pure version of extract.
nope IMO the capsaicinoid content would be different for each pepper so a dihydro-capsaicin extract wouldnt be as good as a pure capsaicin lol ask around... the capsaicinoids all taste different so if you wanted sharper or warmer extract you would use different peppers, BTW they make commercial extract with cayenne, tisk tisk...
find a sweet tasting yet hot pepper

i heard datil is sweet so maybe try some of that? but is there such a thing as oleoresin of capsicum? or is it just a powder mixed with oil? :rolleyes: ok... if you make a sweet- almost tar like substance that is like 5 mil SHU would you gimme some? cuz i got a teacher who "can handle any heat level" i wanna make her eat her words, "for some time somewhere there will be a chili you cant eat!"