Hey I’m Jake, biology teacher

Hello everybody! Just another chile Gardner addict here. I teach high school biology in Nebraska and I grow and use different varieties and species to teach species variation, artificial selection, and evolution. I want to begin breeding Chiles, and develop some with the goal of teaching. My student population is 90% Latino and I teach the Chiles within a storyline of how the indigenous of the Americas domesticated the Chiles so the kids can connect to the curriculum through learning some of their history. I like to look at variation in offspring and have the students learn what leads to it. I love Chiles and I love to learn about them. I have 20 I’m growing in pots outside my apartment and I’m growing a piri piri, a rocoto, and a charapita as house plants. My piri piri is already producing and I’m moving into trying to try all my Chiles raw as I really enjoy these. I’ve read and studied a lot but there’s tons I don’t know so I’m happy to make friends. Cheers.