Hi from Belgium!

I'm Thomas from Belgium. I've been growing peppers for over a decade now, however the most recent years I kind of neglected this hobby. It's about time to get back in the game!
The big challenge here in Belgium are the short, temperate seasons. Takes till half May to be able to take 'm outside and by the end of August, the weather starts going south too. Throw in some sudden heat waves and random rains spells... You get the picture. 
Maybe I'm just frustrated to see the peppers being battered by the elements  :rolleyes:  :lol: . I bet half of you guys here have the same going on.
Anyway, for next season I'd like to take it up a notch and grow a decent number of differents peppers. I'm looking if I can rent a small patch of farming land near my place, cuz unfortunately my garden is neither large nor very sunny  :( .
The downside of not growing a lot of peppers recently is that my heat-tolerance has worn off. I can still handle more that people around me, but I still feel like a noob again when a Jalapeno gives me the sweats.  :banghead:  :banghead:  :mouthonfire:
That might be an issue next season, cuz I've ordered some superhots allready haha. All of the seeds I have from a few years back, won't sprout anymore, I'm afraid. The thing is that the best looking pods are usually  :hot: ... My girlfriend doesn't get why I order seeds to grow fruits I can't directly eat. The argument "the way they look and grow is amazing" doesn't help. Oh well  :P .
I'll show you guys a grafting experiment I've got going on soon!
Happy growing :)