Hi from Washington State!

My name is James and I just wanted to introduce myself.
I just started growing hot peppers this year. I actually started because I got really tired of seeing the mass produced peppers in the grocery store that really didn't appeal to me at all. I never knew there were so many variety's out there until I started looking up how to grow videos on youtube! That's when I found tons of people doing reviews on them. I got hooked and am very glad to have found so many good people in the pepper community.
This year I grew a ton of Orange Habanero, because that is what the sold in the store. I also grew Serrano, Red Cherry, Jalapeno and Red Ghost pepper. My red Ghost pepper is that is still growing. I brought that plant indoors to finish ripening up. I am seeing some really cool rainbow colors on it right now. 
Next season will be a blast though. I talked, conned, begged, made up lots of stories to convince my wife that we needed a greenhouse and she has given in to me. Let the fun begin...
I'm glad to have found THP and I hope to gain lots of growing tips from this great pepper community that i'v found! I will share some of my reviews with you as well.
Welcome from the Methow Valley  on the dry side of WA!  :)
I'm new here too and have been reading like mad. There is tons of great information on a wide variety of pepper products here. The greenhouse sounds great! I'm still working on how to get one in the budget :)
Welcome aboard,
:welcome:  from sunny South Florida!  :woohoo: