• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

HillBilly Jeff's 2014 Adventure - Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!

HillBilly Jeff said:

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
Bodeen said:
Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.

Just throwing this up here to plan out my list for next year.  Looking at some changes to my grow next year.
HillBilly Jeff said:
Looks like the frost missed again.  I can't believe it actually got warmer after the sun went down.
randyp said:
     First thing I do in the morning is hit the 10 day forecast. ;)
Mine is crazy, 94° on Thursday
I now have something else to spice up for a few dinners!!!!
PIC 1 said:
Jeff how are your plants holding up under the cold frames...
We're getting back into the upper 60's here.
They held up great.  I took the plastic down yesterday and picked all that I had ripe out there.  Habs have really slowed down even though there is tonnage of green pods out there.
Nice score on that young buck, he should be good eating. Bow or cross bow?
I really need to fill the feeders, should have done that a month ago....
Devv said:
Nice score on that young buck, he should be good eating. Bow or cross bow?
I really need to fill the feeders, should have done that a month ago....
I hunt with a PSE bow.  Thinking about getting a cross though.
Interesting pepper I have here.  It made an omelet that was hot enough I had to pause eating it.  That hasn't happened in a long time.  Wonderful aroma on this pepper, but not banana.



Madame Jeanette was also warm.  Nice little pepper.

Sounds like chilly forecast avoided down your way, Jeff!
Hope your season hangs on a bit longer.   
Our 50% date here is Oct. 29, but my data is only until 2000.  
I have a feeling the dates may be a bit later for the past decade.
Great shroom shots, buddy.  You live in a natural paradise in your
neck o' the woods, my friend!
Frost on the truck window this morning, but none on the plants.  They are showing stress from the cold, but no frost.  Warm spell coming in now, so I have to can pick some more peppers.  Have no need for these either, so I might have to see if I can sell any for charity.
Had some reapers at work today and my one coworker ate it with his food and said they were hot.  I think he can eat anything.  Another guy gave his son 15 bucks to eat one piece and he had tears streaming down his face.
With this miss of the frost, I should have over a dozen manzano ripe in a week or so.  I could make a manzano sauce if I can find the right recipe.
If you find a good Manzano sauce recipe, please be sure to post it.  I have most of mine from this summer saved and would love to make a good sauce out of them.  Been thinking about fermenting them first, but have not done it yet.
What was that white pepper you showed on post #2049.  I would guess it a white Moruga or Scorpion, but either way it did look like it have the potential to be hot!
bpwilly said:
If you find a good Manzano sauce recipe, please be sure to post it.  I have most of mine from this summer saved and would love to make a good sauce out of them.  Been thinking about fermenting them first, but have not done it yet.
What was that white pepper you showed on post #2049.  I would guess it a white Moruga or Scorpion, but either way it did look like it have the potential to be hot!
It was hot.  I put just half of it in an omelet, and it made me pause for 30 seconds half way through the omelet. It was from a not white yellow bhut pepper plant.  I got the seeds from Sawyer looking for banana aroma.  This one doesn't have that aroma, but I think I will grow out a couple of the seeds next season just to see what I get.
I got three ferments now in their second month and I don't know if they went correct or not with it being my first time.  Not sure how to check to see if they are good to use or are crap.  I won't be fermenting my manzano pods.
Interesting shape.  Always fun to see how these "not" peppers come out.  I have a Bhut that was suppose to be a Yellow bhut, but it is producing the best looking red bhuts out of all my plants, so it is a winner in my mind.  Same with my Black Naga, nothing but red, but great shape and flavor.
I have not had a ferment go bad yet, but the last batch did get some of that Kahm Yeast growing on it, so I scraped it out and added more liquid, since I think the problem was too much of the chopped peppers were above the liquid level.
I do know that when I made a Green Jalapeno ferment, it tasted a whole lot better than the sauce I made with raw Jalapenos.  And that was feedback I got from most of the people that tasted both kinds, so I am sold on ferments now when I get around to making them.
Yeah, the not White Yellow Bhuts are awesome.  
Unusual looking pods on my plant - all smooth and oblong,
but should make a great powder blend.
Will try to grow out another or two next season if there is
room in my grow list.