Himalayan Salt

Wondering if any fellow addicts have any knowledge of or experience with Himalayan Salt. I'm rather curious as salt is an important ingredient to stay addicted.
Wondering if any fellow addicts have any knowledge of or experience with Himalayan Salt. I'm rather curious as salt is an important ingredient to stay addicted.

Himalayan salt is nothing but rock salt (pink) also known as Kala Namak, Sindhav, Sindhalun etc in India and Pakistan.

It has sulfurous smell which some people may not like. But it has amazing number of elements in it.

IMHO it is one of the best salts for health.

If you are suffering from gas problem, licking a wee bit of salt releses gas in burping.

It tastes very good with food and lesser sodium..and lots of good elemts , chemicas etc.


Buy in powder/rock form if you like.

It will be dark pinkish /brownish in color in rock form or pink in powder form.

You will end up paying 1/10th of what you would pay for the same thing sold as Himalayan salt.

My 2 cents.

I am an Indian and I use it on daily basis. You can say we are all addicted to this wonderful salt.

I buy it when I have the spare cash to afford it. The last bag of salt I bought was a cheap sea salt from the supermarket :sick: (which I won't be doing again after having the good Himalayan stuff).

Cheers for the heads up too, NJA. I will check at my local Indian grocer for Kala Namak next time I am there and see if I can't save myself some dosh!
Managed to find a bag yesterday for $1.99. There is indeed a sulfur taste as mentioned but just wanted to clarify that they told me it was called "Black Salt". It's very fine, sulfur taste and looks like a dark grout type substance. Are we taliking the same stuff ?
If it taste like what you wrote, it is the salt.

I have seen some pink tinged salts sold as Himalayan Salt.

But Kala Namak is way best in all respects.

Same salt buddy same.
Himalayan Salt is awesome I love it! But the salt that I am addicted to is Alaea, or as it's also known, Hawaiian Red Salt. I got addicted to that living in Hawaii. I reviewed a few salts on my blog:
