Hitting the winter food show (aka fancy foods) tomorrow

Any ingredients anyone would like some 4-11 on? I'd certainly be willing to keep a lookout & pick up a business card or two.

Please post here before 11:00 AM PT if so and I'll do what I can. :cheers:
OK, Haribo booth. Maybe the happiest place on Earth, if only for the GIANT coke bottles: 


Yum. 50 kinds of gummies, all free for the grabbing. Yum yum yum yummo yum yum. 
Nice folks - kicked me down a bottle of chile-powder based meat rub. 

Oh, you like chocolate you say? 


more will be posted after I get a bump. 
Nice LDHS!  A buddy of mine attended last year and won an award (Sa Sa Sweets - supernatural popsicles).  Glad to see you out and about showcasing your product.  When attending a show like this are you looking to pick up distributors or individual operations?   I worked the Chicago NRA show with my friend last summer and the booth was super well received but we didn't get very many solid leads out of it.  A few owner/operators that ordered cases here and there and a couple reps from distributors that were sniffing around but nothing concrete came of it.  Has that been your experience or ??
SmokenFire said:
Nice LDHS!  A buddy of mine attended last year and won an award (Sa Sa Sweets - supernatural popsicles).  Glad to see you out and about showcasing your product.  When attending a show like this are you looking to pick up distributors or individual operations?   I worked the Chicago NRA show with my friend last summer and the booth was super well received but we didn't get very many solid leads out of it.  A few owner/operators that ordered cases here and there and a couple reps from distributors that were sniffing around but nothing concrete came of it.  Has that been your experience or ??
This year I did not have a booth - was merely wandering around grazing - my purpose this year was to subtly interview some vendors to see how their show experience was, whether it was worth it or not. The last 2 years were really slow/down for attendance so I was having reservations - seems like things are on an uptick. 
I was also checking out interesting ingredients. I am working on my next couple of sauces now and wanted to get inspired. And it worked - found a couple of sources for existing ingredients at a better price, and found a couple of new ingredients as well. 
Thanks for the bump - more show: 
Perhaps olives are more your thing?


This is 1/4 of one hall - 2 halls total, so what you see here is ~1/8 of the show: 


And this is made entirely of jelly bellies (and why not?)