• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

hot-sauce Hoff & Pepper--Hoff Sauce

I have been reading posts etc on this site for quite awhile now. I really enjoy all of the reviews, recipes and tips everyone posts. For some reason I have never joined, however a trip to the local, weekly market in Chattanooga has changed that. Hoff & Pepper (a Chattanooga based company), has just started bottling and selling their Hoff Sauce and it is fricken awesome! They had samples at their booth to try, and it was amazing how well the sauce paired with a fresh peach slice, as well as a corn chip. I am by no means affiliated with the business, just an instant fan! Great taste, decent heat from the habs, smokiness from Chipotles, and a very slight hint of garlic. Definitely worth checking out.
Thank u!

To go back on my earlier post, I just used Hoff Sauce in both my cornbread batter, and also my Chipotle chili that's been in slow cooker since 8am. Delicious!
:welcome:  thanks for posting.  It's great to hear of new sauces.  Do they have a website up yet?
I'd like to see the pic, it needs to be uploaded to photobucket/flikr/etc, then paste the IMG code into the post here on THP.
Nice post thanks and welcome!! Now that yer hooked give the THP VENDORS a try only the best here!! And lots of great deals so make sure and show your support to the people who support our addiction!!! :) hahaha !