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Holy Misrepresntation of Plants, Batman

I bought two bags of Yukon Gold seed potatoes from a store. When I bought them, the guy admitted it was new for them, this was the first year they decided to carry them.

Excuse me for being mad, but their seed potatoes are not Yukon Gold, unless I have some very special soil. For one thing, YG is not suppose to be a big spud, yet some of mine have been well over 10 ounces, the largest almost a pound. None are yellow, which I can live without. But worse - I dug a couple of hills from another row and the potatoes are freakin purple (blue). And very low production - maybe a pound per hill. This plain sucks. If I wanted to grow blue tomatoes again this year, I would have ordered them from Prairie Farm.

Did I mention this sucks? This is like buying Bhut seeds, growing them and finding out when you go to harvest them they are sweet banana or bells. A whole summer wasted because some dipstick store doesn't have a clue what they are selling.

Did I mention how mad this makes me?

I can understand your anger mate. My suggestion is to take a few of these spuds to the store and after you say something like "remember me i bought some YG seed potatoes" and he would be like "yeah how are they going" then you pull a couple of these spuds out and be like "your a dead set wanker mate, i wasted a whole growing season on these only to find out they AND YOU totally suck ass".

Try it and tell us what happens...
I dug some more of the row - one more hill was the blue potatoes, then the rest where not.

But still, I lost about four hills of potatoes, at least so far.
