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Home Remedies for Various Plant Diseases

Hi Guys! Since my Ghost Pepper and Peter Peppers have unfortunate health problems, I have been searching online to see what I can do to remedy their diseases.

Yesterday my Ghost Pepper was showing black spots on its leaves and overnight the leaves have crinkled up dry and are hard to the touch. It has spread to new leaf growth and I'm worried about the little guy surviving.

My two Peter Peppers are both having the same symptoms of showing brown/copperish tones on some of their leaves. Not sure if its fungal or mold. PICs of my plants are on my GLOG: First Grow (2012 Season).

Since they have sprouted, I have misted the leaves with room temperature filtered tap water once a day. I also have foliar sprayed a mild nutrient solution for seedlings with the Earth Juice line every other day. My plants have just started showing problems this past week and I'm on day 33 from germination.

I will be trying a 3% Hydrogen Peroxide solution at 1 Tbs H2O2 to 1 cup of water. I will feed this to the roots and spray on the infected foliage. Since I fed today, I will only spray on the foliage and water with the peroxide mix at the next watering.

Here is a Link for various remedies you can make and experiment with from things you may already have in your home. Hope this may be useful to any grower. Thanks for reading! http://www.ghorganics.com/page15.html