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fertilizer Homemade Fertilizer

Hey guys i thought i'd just share with you a recipe for home made fertilizer. Using things around your house and garden.

You Will Need:

Banana Peels
Mango skins
Carrot tops
Dead Houseplant leaves
Pods from peas ( not the seed it self the casing. )
Egg shells
other kitchen scraps
Apple cider vinegar

Ok put all of that stuff in the blender. Add a very small amount of water ( enough but not to much ) . Puree these in the blender for 3 to 5 minutes. Then put it in a container or some containers (depending in how much you have). Wrap the container if you do not have a lid eg. a old cup. For this i recommend plastic wrap. Wrap it nice and good. If the container has a cover just seal it in there. Let that stay the fro 5-days to 2 weeks . the longer you leave it the stronger it'll get.

( after the mix is fermented )

When your ready you can mix it in to your soil for repotting plants so that they can get a real jump-start ( remember after you repot add a little water so that the mix isn't to strong.). You can put it on the top of the existing soil in a plant pot and water it and give it a little mix to energize existing plants. You can even boil it . Boil for 10 to twelve minute in hot water. Strain the mixture and use the liquid part as liquid fertilizer and you can also use the solid part again as a mild fertilizer to mix into soils for sprouts and younger plants.

Works great or your money back. ( You didn't spend any money to make this :) )

You could put crass clippings in water for a week, dilute the solution about 1:10 and use that;) Have no idea what the NKP is, but it works wonders for the not-so-important flowers I have to impress the females.
Top tip! – Make your own insect spray
Do you want to ward away hungry bugs looking to make a meal out of your crop, while keeping your patch organic? Cutting out chemicals from your garden is safer for you and wildlife, and it costs less. Use your home-grown garlic to brew up this insect-deterring spray. Spray it onto the plants you want to protect.

Finely chop 10–15 cloves of garlic.

Soak in 568ml (1 pint) of mineral oil for 24 hours (you can get mineral oil from a pharmacy).

Strain and keep the liquid. You can spray this oil as it is, or you can dilute it with water and add a few drops of soap too. It’s very effective.