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Homemade pepper extract

My homemade pepper extract is made from chocolate habs and isopropyl alcohol, once dried it becomes a tar like consistency but it's getting old, does this stuff expire?
That stuff sounds dangerous, I like a little danger but damn...you are scaring me Sir, and scaring the children across the street haha.
Voodoo 6 said:
That stuff sounds dangerous, I like a little danger but damn...you are scaring me Sir, and scaring the children across the street haha.
It's pretty good quality, I just haven't used it in a while and need to know if it's susceptible to bacteria or anything like that.
I would think something like that would be impervious to the surface of the sun, or being sling-shotted around Neptune. They ran out of grain alcohol in Ohio? You are a brave man! Cheers!
Could you re soak it in alcohol and let it reduce down again? I would think this should sterilise it. Or you may be able to get it tested to determine the shelf life.
As said above, I would stop using isopropyl. And I hope you used %99.
People sometimes use %99 isopropyl to make cannabis chroncentrates but they off gas it in vacuum ovens that cost a couple grand to be sure there is no residual alcohol in it.
I'm sure you're ingesting very little but Ingesting Isopropyl is bad.
Drinking isopropyl alcohol has an immediate effect on the central nervous system. According to the Mayo Clinic, the CNS controls the involuntary actions of the body, including heartbeat, breathing and gag reflex. Isopropyl alcohol slows these functions and may shut them down altogether. The Occupational Safety and Health Agency's guidelines report that the CNS damage could also lead to coma.
What can you do with this extract?

Does it have any culinary uses, or is it intended for something else?

On a related note, there was a recent thread on the scientific method for measuring SHU.


They use something called a "Soxhlet extraction process". If you really wanted to get serious about using ethanol to extract the soluble organics from a pepper, this method makes sense to me.
Yeah sorry dude, you need to throw that stuff out. Do not eat that.
You can definitely use cheap vodka if you can't find higher proof alcohol like everclear, but get rid of the extraction you made with isopropyl alcohol.
It's not meant to be ingested.