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homemade seaweed ferts

We got some mussels in at the restaurant I work at that was packaged with a bunch of seaweed last night, so I thought what they hell, why not?

So I have it in a bucket with a little molasses and water, gonna let it ferment a few weeks. Anyone else ever make their own tea?
Ive never made Seaweed ferts before, but shouldnt take a few weeks IMO. A day, MAYBE 2 should be all you need, but hey.... Thats just my .02
Good Luck!
I read a few pages online saying you should let it go about 6 weeks, point being that you want it to decompose and ferment all that goodness out of the seaweed.

I read a few pages online saying you should let it go about 6 weeks, point being that you want it to decompose and ferment all that goodness out of the seaweed.
I would pass and just buy some. I means seriously what's a bottle cost a few bucks? If you end up hurting you plant what's that cost after all the time, energy, and care you put into growing your plant and this late in the season you won't be able to simply replace it.

Just not worth the gamble to me unless you have more plants then you need and only apply it to a couple of test plants you don't mind risking.
I've made seaweed tea and I'm beginning to use it on my chiles. I collected the seaweed at Edisto Beach, SC instead of beachcombing for shells like most people (it was a good conversation starter -- "what are you going to do with seaweed?" ). My father used to collect seaweed and put it on his compost heap. Then, it went into his garden at planting time, and his potatoes seemed to love it. I agree with Biscgolf that you need to be careful with salt (I rinsed the seaweed several times). I put the seaweed in a 5-gal bucket which I then filled with water to let it steep. I'm not sure what dosage to use. So far, I've experimented by putting it on sugar snap peas and lettuce and haven't seen any ill effects. Now I'm applying it to tomatoes and chiles.

I would pass and just buy some. I means seriously what's a bottle cost a few bucks? If you end up hurting you plant what's that cost after all the time, energy, and care you put into growing your plant and this late in the season you won't be able to simply replace it.

Just not worth the gamble to me unless you have more plants then you need and only apply it to a couple of test plants you don't mind risking.


I agree with LIGHT once again.

BTW: Compost the seaweed then make compost tea