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Hopefully heat caused this?

Hey! Might just be silly and paranoid here. Im new to growing and im concerned about my young seedlings. I noticed tiny white specks on some of the leaves a couple of days ago and immediately thought that this was some kind of fungus. However, im trying to stay optimistic and i suspect it might be caused by the heat from my lighting but im really not sure. Im using a LED rod/strip hanging about 4-5 inches anove the plants. I assumed there would be very little or no heat coming of it and since many people recommend having LEDs as close as possible i thought nothing of it. I mean i can feel that its slightly warmer under there but can it have this whitening effect on the leaves? Some has bleaching at the edges of the leaves and some just have one or two tiny specs. So is this just a matter of the light being to close or is this something really bad? Ill soon have the answer either way but thought i might as well ask you veterans


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Even when they're still small peppers are very resilient and aren't likely to die unless their cotyledons get totally removed.
I accidentally tore off about two-thirds of one's cotyledons while attempting to remove a stuck seed shell, but it's been growing with few complications regardess.
If you're used to other types of lights, the intensity of an LED can be an issue before the actual heat of it is.  I don't see anything wrong with your sprouts, but I agree with Karoo that the first true leaves may be more indicative.  I also think it was a wise precaution on your part to raise your lights if you had LED's only 4-5 inches above the sprouts.
I agree that sprouts can be very resilient against certain mechanical injury, but they simply don't have the tissue mass to deal with things like burn and dehydration and rot/fungus and recover as effectively as larger plants, so it pays to be careful.
+1 Cane Dog. I don't see any
serious issues there, either.
Hi! Its all going pretty ok i think. Seedlings are growing but quite slow and have only just recently started to develop first set of true leaves. Slow growth really doesnt worry me though. As long as they grow im happy.

I found some bugs. 3:rd photo is the first one i found, about 12 days ago in the soil of one seedling. The two last photos is a close up of a bonsai seed i planted about a week ago.
Its isolated, but its still the same soil from the same bag but for some reason population exploded in this cup while it really doesnt look like this in my other pots.

I feared the worst and actually dug up a few of the seedlings to inspect the roots but they were all fine. Its probably a mite that wont cause any harm but i really dont know. The way they are concentrated around the bonsai seed like they are feeding of it makes me a bit worried though.

I have only found a small amount of them in the soil of my seedlings. If i dig around a bit and look really closely maybe i can spot two or three in a few of the cells. Still not 100% sure what they are. Well what can you do? I will inspect all plants and roots thoroughly when i pot them up later on.



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