• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

hornillas glog 2012 with lots of pictures

Hi everyone,

i'm new to this forum. My name is Christoph and this is my first season growing different varieties of hot pepper. Last season i already grew some red Habanero. Now i try to grow the following hot peppers (name/number of seeds/number of seeds that came out):

- Naga (not sure which type of Naga exactly, was just declared as "Naga" - 6/1)
- Habanero red (3/2)
- Jalapeño (2/0)
- something like Cayenne, just sold as "Chili" (2/0)
- something like Czech Black or Black Hungarian (the left red one on this picture - 2/0)
- "Gelbe Kirsche" (yellow cherry, the yellow ones on this picture - 2/2)

I'm not totally sure about the names, because i got most seeds from fruits i bought on markets etc. and which were not declared correctly.

I'm also waiting for some seeds i ordered an which i want to grow to:

- CGN 21500
- Limón
- Trinidad Scorpion

And i am looking for seeds for Pimenta da Neyde. I wanted to order some at pepperlover.com, were i saw them yesterday, but when i had a look today, i couldn't find it anymore. Seems to be sold out. Any suggestions were i can get some?
Willkommen! Where in Germany are you? You have a great little grow list there. I don't know where to get Pimenta da Neyde but if you do find some make sure you don't order from Reimer seeds. They have terrible germination rates.
At least in Bayern you will have a bit longer growing season than the north. I have relatives near Rosenheim. Good luck with your grow and keep us updated!
Last season i had to take the Habanero inside in october or november and got ripe fruits in december. But i started pretty late. I hope this season will be better. I'm going to keep you up to date.
Here is a picture of the Naga seedling, taken three days ago.


And i started a thread for trading the Pimenta da Neyde. Maybe it will help. :) http://www.thehotpepper.com/topic/27528-wanted-pimenta-da-neyde/
One Cayenne-like came out over night. (And a mild pepper, which i did not mention here.)

- Naga (not sure which type of Naga exactly, was just declared as "Naga" - 6/1)
- Habanero red (3/2)
- Jalapeño (2/0)
- something like Cayenne, just sold as "Chili" (2/1)
- something like Czech Black or Black Hungarian (the left red one on this picture - 2/0)
- "Gelbe Kirsche" (yellow cherry, the yellow ones on this picture - 2/2)
Just a little update. Got some of the seeds i waited for yesterday. Put them in water till this morning and now put them in the dirt. And some more seeds germinated. So this is my list now:

- Naga (not sure which type of Naga exactly, was just declared as "Naga" - 6/1)
- Habanero red (3/2)
- Jalapeño (2/1)
- something like Cayenne, just sold as "Chili" (2/2 - both plants are hurt a little)
- something like Czech Black or Black Hungarian (the left red one on this picture - 2/0)
- "Gelbe Kirsche" (yellow cherry, the yellow ones on this picture - 2/2)
- CGN 21500 (3/0)
- Limón (3/0)
- Trinidad Scorpion (2/0)
My Bode Roxa seeds arrived today, so i sowed two of them. And my second Jalapeño came out too.

- Naga (not sure which type of Naga exactly, was just declared as "Naga" - 6/1)
- Habanero red (3/2)
- Jalapeño (2/2)
- something like Cayenne, just sold as "Chili" (2/2 - both plants are hurt a little)
- something like Czech Black or Black Hungarian (the left red one on this picture - 2/0)
- "Gelbe Kirsche" (yellow cherry, the yellow ones on this picture - 2/2)
- CGN 21500 (3/0)
- Limón (3/0)
- Trinidad Scorpion (2/0)
- Bode Roxa (2/0)
First Limón came out today. First CGN 21500 seems to come out soon, too.

These are my seedlings (Limón is not on the picture):

From left to right (top): some mild red pepper, Habanero red, Jalapeño, Jalapeño
From left to right (centre right side): Gelbe Kirsche, Cayenne-like
From left to right (bottom): Naga, Habanero red, Gelbe Kirsche, Cayenne-like

Germ list:
- Naga (not sure which type of Naga exactly, was just declared as "Naga" - 6/1)
- Habanero red (3/2)
- Jalapeño (2/2)
- something like Cayenne, just sold as "Chili" (2/2 - both plants are hurt a little)
- something like Czech Black or Black Hungarian (the left red one on this picture - 4/0)
- "Gelbe Kirsche" (yellow cherry, the yellow ones on this picture - 2/2)
- CGN 21500 (3/0)
- Limón (3/1)
- Trinidad Scorpion (2/0)
- Bode Roxa (2/0)
Pretty exciting, isn't it!

Your seeds are off to a good start, Good luck with your pepper plants and welcome to this site

Second Limón and first CGN 21500 came up. The CGN did not throw off the seed cap yet, but i'm sure it will.
Nice day for me today. The second CGN 21500 came up, first Bode Roxa came up, third Limón is nearly up too.
Second great thing today is that my seeds from Beth (peppermania) arrived today. She put in some Aji Limo Rojo seeds and of course some mystery seeds, which i'm giving a try now, too. Does anyone have experiences with Aji Limon Rojo?

My list now is the following:
- Naga (6/1)
- Habanero red (3/2)
- Jalapeño (2/2)
- Cayenne-like (2/2 - both plants are hurt a little)
- Czech Black-like (left one on this picture - 4/0)
- "Gelbe Kirsche" (yellow ones on this picture - 2/2)
- CGN 21500 (3/2)
- Limón (3/3)
- Trinidad Scorpion (2/0)
- Bode Roxa (2/1)
- Pimenta da Neyde (2/0)
- Manzano Amarillo (1/0)
- Aji Limo Rojo (1/0)
- Beth's Mystery seed #1 (1/0)
- Beth's Mystery seed #2 (1/0)
Just wanted to give a little update and show my seedlings.

11 of 15 sprouted until now, 8 of them had a germination rate of 100%. I'm still waiting for Pimenta da Neyde (but these seem to come out soon), the Czech Black-like (i'm pretty sure these will not sprout anymore) and two hopefully different varieties from Beth's mystery seeds. Because Manzano Amarillo didn't sprout yet i put one more seed of these in the dirt and as well one of Beth's Rocoto/Manzano mystery seeds.

So this is my list now:
- Naga (6/1)
- Habanero red (3/2)
- Jalapeño (2/2)
- Cayenne-like (2/2 - both plants are hurt a little)
- Czech Black-like (left one on this picture - 4/0)
- "Gelbe Kirsche" (yellow ones on this picture - 2/2)
- CGN 21500 (3/3)
- Limón (3/3)
- Trinidad Scorpion (2/2)
- Bode Roxa (2/2)
- Pimenta da Neyde (2/0)
- Manzano Amarillo (2/0)
- Aji Limo Rojo (1/1)
- Beth's mystery seed #1 (1/0)
- Beth's mystery seed #2 (1/0)
- Beth's mystery rocoto/manzano seed (1/0)


Guten abend, Christof! Wilkommen ins THP :welcome:

Your germination rates are looking up - you should have some
great transplants there :cool: The photos are great! I have 1 of 4
rocoto seeds from Beth up and growing. I'm putting out good
vibes' for another. Great to have a Deutscher mann on board!
My mom's family was from Ost, Germany, so I have a warm spot
in my heart for your country! Have only seen a few places there
but want to see more someday.

BTW, gelbe kirsche = yellow cherry? Sounds interesting.
Hi Paul! Thank you.

You are right, it's a yellow cherry. Well, at least i am not totally sure, because the seeds were from fruits i bought which was in a mix of peppers. But they looked exactly like photos of a pepper from kosovo, which is sold as "Gelbe Kirsche" in Germany. I would be very interested in what it's originally called in kosovo.