Hot Peppers for Pain, Infection, and Heart Health

Hot peppers are great for pain relief, every time I stub my toe I just need to pop a carolina reaper in my mouth and I forget all about my toe :rofl: :shh:
Seriously though, I've used slices of habanero place on my gum at the base of a bad tooth and it eases the pain for a little while at least. No excuse for a dentist visit but when you are days away from anything or anyone it helps.
Nigel Carter is a forum member (under the forum name "Nigel") who has reviewed many different peppers. He has an insanely high tolerance for capsaicinoids... with a surprisingly keen sense of taste. He also has a descriptive vocabulary which allows the viewer to almost taste the pepper whose flavor he's describing. Somehow, he manages to be consistently interesting, without manifesting any of the annoying pretensions of a wine snob or gourmand.
You can view these reviews on this forum, or on YouTube. For the latter, simply google videos under a search engine phrase like "Nigel Carter Trinidad Scorpion Pepper", or use some other pepper variey's name, and start watching the reviews on the play list. Popcorn optional... it's informative.
His reviews are one of my favorite databases to consult when i am pondering what i want to grow. Interestingly, he once mentioned somewhere (i forget which thread) that he has an unusually high level of stomach acid, and that he benefits from consuming peppers.

This is a nifty thread ! There have been a few others on this topic -- that of health/medicine and peppers. I've previously posted on some of those threads, mentioning how peppers benefit me -- i have a neuropathic condition which renders it impossible to merely walk without terrible pain. I have tried prescription painkillers, cortisone injections, smoking idiotic amounts of dope -- hell, anything shy of amputation, euthanasia or taking heroin... peppers are not only tastier, they're the only effective solution that keeps me upright and walking.
I've remarked to friends that i am fortunate to live in a world where the most painful aspect of my life can be alleviated by eating something yummy that i would have wanted on my dinner plate anyway. Let's face it: most people do not have solutions that easy for the biggest grievances in their life.
I'd lived on disability/welfare benefits for about a quarter century before i discovered this, and joined this forum -- about 2 years ago. Since then i have accquired a job as a groundskeeper: basically an outdoor janitor. Not exactly a desk job, and i could never have held this job without my favorite fiery fruit.

I discovered that certain foods will dim down the heat by absorbing capsaicinoids. Note that, as this food is digested, the capsaicinoids are made available to your body -- a time-released painkiller !!
Peanut butter, cheese and tahini seem to work best -- since capsaicinoids have much more affinity for fats and oils than water (or saliva), the heat is partly in abeyance, making it easier on taste-buds and digestive tract. This also means that you can savor the flavor of these peppers more: your tongue isn't fuddled with a white-hot white noise pepper-burn.Try an Asian-style peanut sauce or add superhots, powdered, to your favorite home-made cheese sauce.

Tthank you for OP-ing this thread. I will enjoy following it.