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Hot peppers make the front page of the Wall Street Journal

I haven't finished the article yet because work is busy this morning ( that pesky work thing getting in the way of reading about peppers) but I thought I'd let everyone know to check it out of you get the WSJ.
Thank you for the link Salsalady

You can tell that the most of the commentors arent chili-heads, have no idea and have never experienced truly hot foods or the flavor that is added by peppers.
they think it is some machismo thing and that we do it for the bragging rights. Couldnt be further from the truth, if they were to experience the flavor that is add instead of running scared they would understand a bit more. Just more people spewing what they think is right instead of getting all the facts.
Thank you for the link Salsalady

You can tell that the most of the commentors arent chili-heads, have no idea and have never experienced truly hot foods or the flavor that is added by peppers.
they think it is some machismo thing and that we do it for the bragging rights. Couldnt be further from the truth, if they were to experience the flavor that is add instead of running scared they would understand a bit more. Just more people spewing what they think is right instead of getting all the facts.

Couldn't agree more, I almost bought a subscription to WSJ just so I could write a reply to those people. I certainly have not lost my taste because I eat superhot level chiles on a daily basis. When I find myself non-equipped with some heat when I go to a restaurant, it sucks, but the food doesn't taste bad to me. It still has a great flavor, but without the heat and added flavor of the chiles that I enjoy. It indeed ENHANCES the flavor, rather than covering up the flavor, or a lack thereof as they would have you believe.
I read the article, and the information seems a little dated, as the Moruga surpassed the Butch T as the World's Hottest Pepper according to Guiness.

Update: D'oh! I missed the part where it mentions the Moruga. Note to self... never read an article when you're trying to read 10 other things simultaneously...
Most of the comments are easily from people who don't have a clue.

The biggest thing I see wrong is that their opinions seem to be based only on assuming we are eating Only the pepper or that no matter how much or little of any pepper you put in something,percentage wise -IF it's a super Hot -the sauce or ? will kill ya.

I like 7 pots and Rocoto/Manzanos best out of all peppers,IF i had to make a choice.

I seldom use 7 pots alone.
I like my smoked powders mostly Manzano and a LOT of super hot blends.
(I DO eat Pubescens alone though).
I would Miss stuff like Chilhaucle Negro,several ancho types,New Mex varieties among other chiles if I had to only choose 1 or 2 peppers on a deserted Isl.
LOVE that fast HOT taste and short burn from Frutescens.

I DO only use stuff like Butch T for adding heat to stuff,To me they taste like battery acid alone.
Add some smoke and some other peppers and I get the chinense taste and heat I like in the blend.

I do like the heat AND taste of most 7 Pots though I hardly do more than taste a piece of a pod before adding it to whatever,to know how much of that particular plants pod to add to whatever I'm making.
I really like the strong Chinense taste of Charapita peppers.They just aren't very hot.
Great to add to a super hot to get a better taste to add to the heat.

I think the comments are mostly made by guys/gals who read a lot of advertising crap,blogs and watch utube too much.
No actual understanding/experience with peppers in general.

Ya I've always liked it hot , but I still think you have to have a reason other than just testing to regularly eat a lot of super hots alone just to make a video.
I've,accidentally eaten enough of various super hots to know about stomache cramps etc. that you can get.
Not fun or worth it to me.Your mileage may vary,

Never figured out what an ENDORPHIN rush was that is blamed as the reason to eat hotter and hotter pods.

Runners high is right up there too-WTF,never felt anything but tired and leg cramps after running cross country,way back when.

When I see someone dying on a video after eating a super hot,I think "What a Waste of a perfectly good pod".

Yes,Sauce or product reviews can be helpful IF you are deciding to check out that brand or flavor.

The stuff with extract or whatever ,in my opinion,most times defeats the whole taste of whatever ingredients might be in the product,in general.

I used to see too many videos where the person must be in it for masochistic or macho reasons only.
"Think the XXX pepper I just ate was hot?"
While squirting a few drops of satins butt sweat extract in their mouth as a chaser.

I could have made some really great stuff out of that pod and kicked back with a brew eating/enjoying the pod they just ate.

Only took a month getting the seeds and a couple/several more to get pods...

Lots of work just to post a video of a person wasting a pod so some video addicts and bloggers can post comments about how cool or not cool the video was.

(My opinion-worth exactly what it cost you to read it...0)

Who cares,except vendors what Guinness says anyway.

UNLESS you want to use it for sales purposes.

These days,with free advertising on the different pepper sites/forums on the internet you don't need Guinness.
Make all the claims you want to all over the place and sell your product.
Sell tons of stuff and laugh all the way to the bank...offer the next one as a new and improved strain until hell freezes over.
With crosses being pushed as THE NEW this or that.
Even crap that sold at a premium are soon forgotten ,and the beat goes on, people will buy it if you sell it.
People will buy it JUST IN CASE.The average Joe doesn't have a very long memory.
Don't want to be left out do ya?YA gotta get this variety...