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Hot sauce clubs?

There are some online classes certainly and likely some at local evening classes. I have been brewing beer fir nearly 10 years now and every book I bought on the subject (including just recipe) have a lengthy discussion on what sanitary conditions are, how to create them and what impact they have on the product. Now, I am just starting out in the home brew hot sauce arena but have bought a few books on it to get up to speed, get some recipes, and an idea of what equipment is needed but nothing has been included on sanitary conditions.

Another avenue of learning to sanitize in home brewing beer, for me anyway, was getting active with a local home brewing club and shop. They held classes on brewing and talk extensively about being clean. Perhaps it is e culture of the the home brewing beer community that brings a focus to being sanitary but it is also a big part of the books and products you can buy for the hobby.

Right now I am repurposing some of my home brewing equipment to hot sauce (no, not the 5 Gallon buckets but can you imagine) and have a cot of sanitation items to bring over to this new hobby. Maybe there is a downloadable pamphlet in my future on this subject but I think people want to make a clean, sanitary product that won't lead to illness or worse for those enjoying the end result of some hard work.

So back to the club aspect. Are there local clubs that participate in brewing hot sauce at the amateur level?
I will get shot for this but i will carry on.
Carboys rinsed with water dried and left out in the sun for weeks on end. Bottles rinsed three times after drinking then stored, rinsed once before bottling.
As long as you or i don't poop in my bottles there is no problems, why waste money on chemicals that can kill shit?
As long as bottles are sanitized, and sauces are properly pH'd and heated then the rest is pretty much just common cleanliness.

I guess brewers who sample their product too much need step-by-step instructions on how to keep clean, the rest of us just do what we do with everything else we eat:lol:
I don't think hot sauce is technically brewed. It's cooked. Carry on.