Hot Sauce Kits?

Yep, pretty much what you said.

Or, they can travel to Twisp and participate in a making hot sauce class for $40 and go home with about 2dozen artisan, small batch, custom crafted, one of a kind, cottage industry, special, classic, hand made, never to be recreated, hot sauces.
valued at (24 x 7... carry the 1, divided by 13, subducted to the 2nd term..)= $168
salsalady said:
Yep, pretty much what you said.

Or, they can travel to Twisp and participate in a making hot sauce class for $40 and go home with about 2dozen artisan, small batch, custom crafted, one of a kind, hand made, never to be recreated, hot sauces.
What, no cottage??  :hi:
The kit my wife surprised me with for Christmas seems a really nice one, by Man Crate Projects. I posted in Hot Talk about the lid on the reaper paste jar being broken.
I have no idea what Man Crate charged my wife for this kit, but it was done up nice, really nice. Heavy, high quality boxing, packing paper almost artistically used, there should have been no reason whatsoever for the lid to have cracked.

As you can see, the reaper bottle is missing.
I emailed the "guys" at Man Crates this morning, explained the situation and requested a replacement for the bottle. They wouldn't do it. I just now received an email expressing a concern for me having unintentional contact with capsaisic residue, and instead of replacing the bottle they are sending an entire new kit!.
That is some amazing customer service.