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Hot sauce review advice needed!

The Hot Pepper

Sauce lovers,

I need to know the qualities you look for when judging hot sauce, and what qualities are important to you when reading reviews.

Of course a lot will be touched upon in the actual review but I'm talking about scores here. The new reviewers will be entering scores for certain characteristics of sauce (and other products, so they must be universal enough to include snacks like chips and jerky).

First off, consistency is out. Pertains to sauce only, but I also feel there is a time for thin sauce, and a time for thick, so it should not be judged by a number. I have more of a meter system for that from thin to thick.

The scores will be done after the written review, and my idea is:


These combined = Overall

Heat of course will be a separate number. You can't knock a mild sauce for being mild. Maybe Expected Heat? As in, a sauce that says it's insane and is mild?

I'm debating adding a Label/Packaging score as that has nothing to do with the product itself, so I'm thinking out. What you say?

If some of these do not matter to you, or if I am missing something, please chime in.

Thanks for your input.
This has nothing to do with a score but I would be interested in the application of the sauce. Dipping, cooking, pour on eggs...
Yes that will be a section of the review.
I think you have a great list there THP. Those are all the things I like to look at when trying a new sauce. I also like the idea of the "Expected Heat" level.

Thanks for all the hard work

IMO packaging/label should definitely be in. That is often a very important part as to why people buy a sauce or not. The score part would be subjective, but you could have something between hate it and love it on a number scale.
I didn't mean Label/Packaging was out, just that I'm not sure it should be included in the overall score, which is an average of all the scores, since the others all have to do with what's inside. What if you get no label, or what if the label sucks? Should that knock the overall down?

Expected Heat does sound good. I think a sauce should be knocked if it's mild and says "Hottest Sauce In The World" ;)
I would say if there is no label then it should just be n/a as it would most likely be an amateur's sauce anyway. If it sucks then so be it. I think the label is a very important part of the sauce.
Okay so:

Expected Heat
Overall Score

Looks good?

What about usage? As in, the sauce is great but applications are limited. Knock score? I don't think so. Lots of specialty sauces. But then again, some real stumpers.
I like that. I don't think you need to have usage. I'll figure out ways to use it and point them out, but if it's a specialty sauce that shouldn't knock it.

I'd put label at the top though since that's the first thing you judge when you try a sauce. Then the rest in the order you used are good
I like the useage idea. I know you would have a lot more ideas and experience of stuff to try it on that I have never thought of. I'm not sure it's something that should effect the score, however. If it has a unique or limited use that's ok by me if the flavor is right. Just throwing out my 2 cents worth :)

Thanks for all the input, I think it's figured out. Others can chime in but I think it's good.
so in the expected heat, how would that work?

If you expect a heat level of 7 and get a heat level of 7, would the sauce score 10 points (or whatever the top score would be)?

And if you expect a heat level of 7 and only get a heat level of 4, then how would that score?

I think usages should be mentioned in the reviews, but not included in the score. jmho~
Yes SL like that. It's not a chilihead rating of must be hot or else, it's what you would expect from the label, name, and ingredient list. Ever read a review and seen "I expected this to have a lot more heat because..." that deserves to be part of the rating.
I didn't mean Label/Packaging was out, just that I'm not sure it should be included in the overall score, which is an average of all the scores, since the others all have to do with what's inside. What if you get no label, or what if the label sucks? Should that knock the overall down?

I agree. Packaging is nice and all but shouldn't be part of the score in my opinion, its judging a book by its cover. I can just see this coming down to who has the most money for fancy labels
That was original thought POT. When an expert judges wine or beer they don't deduct points for the label. It's all about what's in the glass. To me the same goes for hot sauce. You are judging the sauce. The label can be discussed and raved about or knocked but not sure it should deduct from a rockin' sauce.

I can also see reasons for putting it in. If a sauce rocks and they get knocked a bit for lack of label creativity maybe they will improve them. And packing is a huge part of a commercial product, which is what's being reviewed. But that could be done separately with maybe a thumbs up/down rating or such.

On the fence on this one.

I welcome more comments. I want this review section to be the best around.
I'm feeling like the label and/or packaging should be discussed and if need be criticized, but not included for points in the score.
I was leaning that way, it seems more people think it's better.
Here's an idea to consider. :idea:

How about you have 4-5 reviewers all review the same product to kick things off, just to see how each person interprets the rating system and see if anything needs tweeking or clarifying.

I'll :gulp: volunteer the Ghost Fire. :halo:
Because we only have one US reviewer right now ;)

But you could send it to JayT and Deathtosnails both.

DTS needs a sauce so I say go for it.
I can just see this coming down to who has the most money for fancy labels
It would only be a portion of the score so it wouldn't really come down to that but I am still leaning toward it not being a part of the actual overall score. More of a section to comment on it.

I'd like a little more input. Once reviews start you can't change the calculations or it will affect reviews retroactively.