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hot stuffing peppers

A restaurant owner has asked me to grow him some new peppers that I don't have yet. He wants some peppers that are made for stuffing. He likes the hot banana peppers for size, but wants something that is hotter than the hot bananas. What do you think would be best for this, and if you know, please give me an idea on how hot the pepper is that you are suggesting? Is there any good peppers of this size that is at least as hot as a habanero? Thanks, Tom
I don't know of any mid to large sized pepper as hot as a habanero (depending on the habanero they use as a reference)but they could stuff the peppers with a mix that contains other peppers.
Make 3 mixes of stuffing-mild,hot and superhot.

Bhuts can get big but are probably too hot for the general public.

I'd go with making different stuffing mixes with hotter peppers in the mix.
You could go with some of the hotter Numex varieties...or I would try large Manzanos or Rocotos. I had some the size of small bell peppers. Some are not as hot as others, but the ones I had were freaking scorching. While they're not technically as hot as a Hab...the burn is different, and hits me harder and stays around longer. Plus, they have an awesome flavor.

The two in the back are this size of a small bell pepper...
Good luck!