HotSauceWeekly - the First Hot Sauce Podcast

If you haven't already, check out the Hot Sauce Weekly Podcast, hosted by Brian Meagher of and Randy Combs. The show, which focuses on the world of spicy foods with interviews and news coverage, already has three episodes under its belt and is getting better and better with each new one.

I'm very pleased to say that I've joined the podcast as a guest reviewer, and my first audio review on Crazy Uncle Jester's Blazing Hot Mustard can be heard in Episode 3!

The HotSauceWeekly podcasts can be played on any computer or any MP3 player or MP3-compatible phone, and are perfect for listening to while you're surfing the web, driving to and from work, washing the dishes, eating chiles or sucking down hot sauce.

You can subscribe to the podcast RSS feed here, or subscribe via iTunes here.
Thanks. I hope the next time it will be recorded much better for my part. With the little mic I had used it picked up way too much noise in the room, and I had to NR and amplify it up all to hell in Audacity. It still sounded like crap, so I had turned up the background music pretty loud to mask the crappiness.;)
Well it needs phantom power which will cost you a little more to run. For a good dynamic all you need is an XLR adapter ($25). Don't look on amazon. PM me your budget and I'll send you a link with a good mic for you. Don't want to hijack the thread.
I love The Hotsauce Weekly podcasts. When I found the podcast in iTunes, I downloaded all sessions to my iPhone, and played them during my daily commute to work. Great stuff!
DuvallDaves said:
I love The Hotsauce Weekly podcasts. When I found the podcast in iTunes, I downloaded all sessions to my iPhone, and played them during my daily commute to work. Great stuff!

Thanks! Even if I wasn't involved with this podcast, it would still be something I would forward to hearing.

I've talked with Brian Meagher about some of the show's subject matter. I don't want to let the cat out of the bag, but the main feature will be more than just an interview with a hot sauce maker every week. Later this year, he'll have on BBQ guys, topics like growing chile peppers, and maybe even speaking with chile blog/website owners more. Stay tuned!

On a semi-related not...For everyone else who is still kind of apathetic about podcasts in general, try downloading and subscribing to 2 or 3 podcasts that really interest you. Listen to them instead of your regular morning or afternoon radio shows, and you'll find your commute go by SO much quicker and become more tolerable.
Scott, sounds like some pretty awesome stuff is coming up! I need a lot of help with things like growing chili peppers here in western Washington. Last season, I planted a couple plants - one Jalapeno, and one Habanero. The Jalapeno did quite well, but my hab just got bushy and produced a couple habs, one turned orange :) Then deer came and ate the tops off my plants! Arrgh!!! Well, guess deer like chilis too!
If anyone wasn't listened to this podcast in a while or at all, some of the latest show topics have included:

  • Salsa
  • The Peppers at the Beach event
  • Pork in the Park 2010 BBQ Cookoff
  • Pepper Joe and growing chile peppers
  • Blair Lazar of Blair's Sauces and Snacks

Go here to listen or to subscribe:

:onfire: :dance: