• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Hottoddy's 2013 Season - Wrapping Up Pics

Here goes . . !

After reading this forum for the better part of a year, this is my first time attempting to germinate. For the past three or seasons, I picked up starts from local nurseries and farmer's market - each year picking up a few more. Last year I had about 15 plants and really caught the bug.

My seed list - many thanks to those forum members with the great SASBE offers!

Bhut Jolokia “Ghost” (Mine)
Best Orange Habanero (Mine)
Trinidad Moruga Scorpion (Mine)
Fatalii (Mine)
Fatalii/Red Savina Cross (Robin/Spanky)
7 Pot Jonah (Robin/Spanky)
Lemon Aji (Robin/Spanky)
Cayenne (Robin/Spanky)
Brain Strain (Robin/Spanky)
Most Prolific (Pepperlover)
Blue Mystery (Pepperlover)
Pi 281429 (Pepperlover)
White Bhut Jolokia (Pepperlover)
Jalapeno “Cracked” (Pepperlover)
Early Jalapeno (Pepperlover)
Morugo Scorpion Red (Pepperlover)
Tabasco CGN21546 (Pepperlover)
Beni Highland (ajijoe/Joe)
CGN 21500 (ajijoe/Joe)
Zavory (ajijoe/Joe)
Mixed Hot Surpise (ajijoe/Joe) – lots/random varieties
Red Brain Strain (Scarlet Fire/Brett)
Yellow Brain Strain (Scarlet Fire/Brett)
Chiero Roxa (Scarlet Fire/Brett)
Naga Morich – ISO (Justagay/Brian)
Caribbean Red Habanero - ISO (Justagay/Brian)
Manzano – ISO (Justagay/Brian)
Jimmy Nardello (Justagay/Brian)
Red Scotch Bonnet CARDI (NorTex/Josh)
Red Scotch Bonnet “LG” Strain (NorTex/Josh)
Yellow Scotch Bonnet “P.Dreadie” (NorTex/Josh)
Trinidad Scorpion Yellow CARDI (NorTex/Josh)
7 Pot Brainstrain Yellow (NorTex/Josh)

Plus my overwinters:
Fatalii (x2)
Best Orange Habanero
Red Bhut Jolokia
Joe Parker NuMex
Ancho Magnifico

Here are a few pictures. Nothing terribly exciting yet.

Soaking the seeds in plain water with a little hydrogen peroxide. Notice the dark Manzano seeds in the upper right - the only odd looking ones.


The seed chart (mutliples of everything except a few novelties).


Into the germination station on 1/27 . 63 total - 2 seeds in each jiffy pellet. I left some room for a thermometer on the right.


This is the kind with a dome and heating mat. I've had a bit of trouble regulating the heat (no thermometer control). I found the pad gets hottest in the center, and is coolest on the side opposite the plug. So, I put a wash cloth and a few legos to lift and vent the center a bit and am still tinkering. My therm in the dome stays about 75, and the soil reads 80-87 depending on the location on the mat (center is still hottest). I can't imagine getting a uniform temp in every spot unless you heat from the outside (eg, a heated small enclosure) - which may be the better way to go.
Nice list...and that's how I do it, I write down on a sheet what's in the tray. I can mark notes down on them as I check out the trays. Once the plants get potted up to individual containers then they;ll get tagged...

Good luck with all that heat!

Wow - 4 popped already on day 4! That was fast. Three early jalapenos from Pepperlover and one yellow brain strain from ScarletFire. Just tiny hooks now. I thought I'd have a bit more time to get ready for the next phase (solo cups under the garage floros).
Some babies.

I have about 40% germination as of 2/2/13, so things seem to be going pretty well. Some of them shot up and started touching the dome, so I started transplanting the biggest tonight. I'm afraid this is the stage where I'll kill them all. For now they are inside the house under a few 100W CFLs (6500k). I'm waiting on a space heater before moving them into the garage - hopefully just a few more days. Here is a pic of some of those I potted - front to back (Yellow Scotch Bonnet "P Dreadie," Yellow Brainstrain, Early Jalapeno, Lemon Aji). I buried the de-netted peat pellets about 1/2 inch below the potting mix.

Nice work! Your setup is like mine. I am at day 6 now and my Blue Mystery, Early Jalapeños, and Tabascos from PL have popped too. I hope they keep growing well for you I can't wait to pot up and get em under lights too! I hope your grow continues to be successful and hot!!
Here they are about 9 days in, most have spouted and are potted up. A few died with helmet heads the seeds were doubled up for redundancy. I still have about a dozen or so in the germination station. Only one variety has failed to sprout (my orange hab) but I still have hope. This is a temporary indoor location, as I'm still setting up the garage spot. The quick germination caught me a little off guard. The lights make some of the peppers hard to see in this pic.

Here are some pictures from today. A few peppers are almost two weeks old, but most are about one week. My cheap setup consists of two T8 "daylight" 6500K 4 footers overhead. On the inside, I have two 100W CFLs (5,000K) in reflectors. On the outside is a window, from which they receive several hours of natural light every day (but it's usually cloudy). A night, I run a small heater and put foiled cardboard up in the window to optimize reflection. The artificial lights take a break mid-day.


Most are doing great, but a few (chiero roxa) are are languishing. Despite my space heater, it may still be a bit cold in the garage. Hopefully, it's just normal cold weather growth and they'll come around. Also, I still have to "kill" or separate many of the dual seedlings. That'll be tough.

Here are a few of the bigger ones.
Looking great, most of your plants are much bigger than mine and I started before you. I am taking it slow so that I am not overwhelmed before I plant out in May. Your plants look green and happy.
I decided to take some pictures today after watering the herd. The oldest peppers (mostly jalapeno, cayenne) are now about 1 month out from sprouting. The rest are about 3 weeks. My helpers can be seen on the left side taking an art break.


Here are few closer ups. From left to right is Naga Morich 2012 ISO (Justagay/Brian), Yellow Brian Strain (Scarlet Fire/Brett), and Lemon Aji (Robin/Spankyscolts).


Here, from left to right, are Manzano (Justagay/Brian) - they're so fuzzy, Zavory (ajijoe/Joe), and Cayenne (Robin, Spankyscolts).


Next are T. Moruga Scorpion (Mine), Yellow Brian Strain (Scarlet Fire/Brett), "Hot Surprise" (ajijoe/Joe). I thought the "Hot Surprise" would die, one cotyledon tore off inside the germination station - but it wants to live!


Lastly is a shot of mostly early & cracked jalapenos (Pepperlover) with some a Lemon Aji and Jimmy Nardello mixed in.


NorTex/Josh's seeds are also going strong. I'll try to get some pictures of those next time. Thanks again to everyone who helped!

Awesome grow list! Glad the ones you got from me sprouted, I hadn't personally tried any of them yet. You'll love the Chiero Roxa, such a neat pepper. Best of luck all year!

Awesome grow list! Glad the ones you got from me sprouted, I hadn't personally tried any of them yet. You'll love the Chiero Roxa, such a neat pepper. Best of luck all year!

I'm looking forward to the Chiero Roxa. I've got 3 of them going. They were among the slowest to sprout and are still on small side but look good. They have a distinct purple tint. I'll try to take some pictures in a few weeks.
Here's a quick update. My garage is starting to look a bit like a jungle! I may have started the annums too soon, as they are quickly maxing out the solo cups (tall ones below). While I didn't plan on it, they may also need to go into 1 gal pots/bags soon. I have had no fatalities, but did battle a few bugs that infiltrated a some plants on one tray. I think they may have come from an overwintered plant. After daily inspections, Neem and peroxide, they seem to be gone.


One of the Cayennes from Robin/Spankyscolts born on 2/3/13 is getting huge and pushing out buds. Here's a slightly fuzzy picture (iphone kept focusing on the leaves).


I am hoping to get the annums into the poor man's greenhouse soon, but our temps have taken a sudden dive into the 30s at night. Hopefully soon!