seeds How best to dry seeds for germinating ASAP?

I have a few pods already ripe of my next generation cross and since are season is so long I want to germinate them asap and try to get a harvest yet this year.  I've removed the seeds from 4 pods and cleaned them in H2o2 and now they are just sitting on the shelf.  Last try at this went into the humidity domes 2 weeks ago and still nothing so likely messed it up.  Any better methods?

It never hurts to germ more seeds. You might get some to pop before the ones you are already trying to germinate. Ive found that when I pre soak the seeds they seem to pop a bit faster. Results may vary
As already mentioned, you don't have to dry them. However, it is always a good idea to give them a bath in h2o2 before germinating. I tried a new approach this year that I really liked and will definitely do again. Instead of coffee filter or paper towel, I just put them in small cups of water (one variety per cup) and changed out the water every couple of days. As soon as a seed casing opens up, the seed gets moved to starter soil. That way you KNOW they sprouted, no question about it. Also, changing out the water every couple of days helps ensure no nasties get a foothold.
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Dehydrator at 95....
For the remainder you don't want to plant straight away though, and god knows 1 single chilli can give you 20 or more potential plants, this is definitely the way to do it.  I ran this approach for 2 days straight and got packets of seeds when I cracked the dehydrator tonight, more than I can use and perfectly dried pods for powder too. 
Bumper said:
For the remainder you don't want to plant straight away though, and god knows 1 single chilli can give you 20 or more potential plants, this is definitely the way to do it.  I ran this approach for 2 days straight and got packets of seeds when I cracked the dehydrator tonight, more than I can use and perfectly dried pods for powder too. 
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Dehydrator at 95....
So at 95, for how long? 