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seeds How big do seedlings need to be in order to harden off easily?

I am learning about the hardening off stage... So many times have I murdered plants and not got it right.
I would like some photos of different stages of plants when hardening off and some typical advice, also can I sticka chamber (with/without lid and/or vents open/closed) out in the shade outside when above 22 degrees celcius as a starting point?

All help is appreciated, I am sick of stuffing this up...
At the moment, the midday temps here are around 40 Celcius (that's 104 Fahrenheit). I have been hardening off my seedlings since about three days after they shed their seed shells and hoisted their cotyledons.

I transplant them at night and keep them in 100% shade for a couple of days, then give them 30 mins morning sun for 3 or 4 days, then move them to a spot where they will get about an hour of late afternoon sun after another 3 or 4 days, and slowly move them to spots where they will get more and more each day, and they seem to be coping quite well with that. I lost two cayenne seedlings to scorching, but only because I miscalculated their positions and left them exposed to sun when I thought they'd be in shade.

I hope that helps - I am far from an expert on this, unlike many on here, but have been learning through trial and much error.
Here in Florida I start my peppers outside and they need no hardening off. The earlier you can get them out in the elements the better. Unless the temps are over 90 for several hours. Then keep them in the shade.
my first attempt at germinating seeds gave me 6 seedlings and like Romy said, once they need light i started the hardening off process and they are 4 weeks old and have been outside full after the 4th day after they shed the seed shell. granted here is San diego the weather has not been close to 100 degrees ever! LOL it stays 75-80 almost 90% of the year!
I am learning about the hardening off stage... So many times have I murdered plants and not got it right.
I would like some photos of different stages of plants when hardening off and some typical advice, also can I sticka chamber (with/without lid and/or vents open/closed) out in the shade outside when above 22 degrees celcius as a starting point?

All help is appreciated, I am sick of stuffing this up...
22C is plenty warm to begin hardening them off; even 18C or 19C is fine. Remember, it's not just the sun to which you're gradually introducing the plants, but also temp swings and the wind which can rapidly dry young seedlings. I start by getting them acquainted with the wind and cooler temps for the first several days with very little time in direct morning sun. Their increase to sun exposure comes later and I've found it best not to expose youngsters to all elements of their new environment at once.