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How Cold Is Too Cold???

I have run out of room so I had to expand my grow area to another part of the basement. I have a 2x4 foot table set up with 2 twin bulb fluorescent lights above it and "day-light" bulbs in them on a timer. The area stays consistently 64 degrees, is this too cold for my plants?

Or will it just slow their rate of growth down? That wouldnt be a bad thing since I am about 8 weeks from setting plants outside and I started way too early this year. LOL
I have my plants in the garage where the temp gets down to low 50's at night and about mid 60's during the day. On extremely cold nights, it may get as low as 45. Never had a problem although I am sure they would be bigger if I kept them inside in the warmth.

hah- you would be surprised how cold they can get and still thrive. If it's 64°F degrees without the lights you'll be just fine, and the lights ought to bump that up to 75°F or when they're on. I don't know what you've set your timer for but if you're worried about it that much you could up your light schedule.
The thermostat in my little shop of horrors is set at 68°F- I do have a heat mat under a couple plants, but the ones that don't have heat underneath are doing just fine.
If you're talking about a HUGE temperature differential then you may want to take time to adjust them to the cold.

But yeah, you'll be fine.
Cool, thanks guys. I was just a little concerned because I moved my Red Scorpions there to make room for the new seedlings in the grow box and dont want to damage them.
Mine get lower than 10C in my greehouse and a little over 15C in the house, they just grow a little slower and more compact when cool and usually drop flowers
You will be fine. Heck in the spring time when the high temp is forcasted to be in the 60's I move some of mine outside. Then in the fall, just as long as to lows are suppose to be close to 40 my plants are outside. There have been times in the fall that there is still frost on the ground and out go my plants, hasn't hurt them yet (light frost, would not do during a freeze)

The only ones that seem to be affected by lower temps (in the 50's) are the chinenese, they seem to be suffer from more stunted growth at those temps. With your temps being in the 60's I don't think you will have any problem. I'm sure my basement is somewhere in the mid / upper 60 range right now and all my plants are thriving. Basically I wouldn't worry about it too much.