labels-artwork How important is a logo?

First time I entered the Brassys Award, I was rejected.  One of the photos they asked for was a logo.  I sent a banner.  So I sat down with my million year old copy of Free Hand and made a simple logo.  I posted it on Facebook with the story and how silly I thought it was.  Its a circle with the URL and full business name around the outside.  Then in the middle is PBM.
A patron who works in graphic design, made a silhouette of a pepper with the letters PBM on the inside.  Now I am replacing the middle of the log with his art work.  Looks spiffy, but what does a person do with it?  How important is a logo?

Patron suggested rubber stamps and red ink, putting it on boxes and envelopes.  Stamp it on letters for the contrast in color.
Seems to me a logo must be important because there are so many places that make them for you for a fee. 
it's good for branding so people can't copy your product as easy because they obviously can't use your trademarked name/logo.
it is important on amazon where people can takeover your listings easily. you can say you only got the real stuff if it is sent by us and has our logo on it.
juanitos said:
it's good for branding so people can't copy your product as easy because they obviously can't use your trademarked name/logo.
it is important on amazon where people can takeover your listings easily. you can say you only got the real stuff if it is sent by us and has our logo on it.
If you could spare a moment, please tell me about taking over a listing at Amazon.  I have no clue how to sell on Amazon.  Been looking into it.  Whole thing seems odd.  Example: Refining Fire Chili sells on Amazon, but the price on Amazon is half what it is on his web site.  All I can imagine is that he puts up a small variety as advertising to get folk to go to his web site.  That is what I do with Ebay.  But Amazon is a whole different thing.  Seems very complicated.  Now I read something about people taking over your listing.  Kind of off putting.
It's called BRANDING. Each company makes several products but you have no doubt when buying one of those products, who made it.

Brand recognition is a thing.


