How large do pepper plants grow?


I'm thinking about how I am going to position the plants that will go in the ground.  As I have limited space, I'll need to group plants so that tall ones don't shade low growing plants and spreading varieties have enough room.
Are there sites that give more information on typical  plant growth habits - height, width, foliage density etc?  Most vendors only describe fruit characteristics with scare info on plant sizes.
This is my grow list.  The only one I've grown before is the Aji Lemon Drop.
7 Pot Bubblegum                        C. chinense
7 Pot White                                 C. chinense
Aji Dulce Yellow                          C. chinense
Aji Lemon Drop                           C. baccatum     2' x 2'
Aji Omnicolor x unknown baccatum
Ancient Sweet                            C. annuum
Brazilian Starfish                        C. baccatum
Charapita                                    C. chinense
Cherry Bomb                              C. annuum
Cream Fatalii                              C. chinense
Fatalii x Red Savina
Jamaican Gold                           C. chinense
Mako Kokoo                               C. chinense
Manzano                                    C. pubescens
Queen Laurie                             C. baccatum
Rain Forest                                C. baccatum
Seasoning Pepper                     C. chinense
Tepin x Lemon Drop
Tomato Pepper                          C. annuum
TS Yellow CARDI                      C. chinense
Urfa Biber                                  C. annuum
C. galapogoense
C. chacoense
jedisushi06 said:
Depends on your climate and soil conditions etc. 
Certainly.  I'm just looking for generalities - which varieties may grow 4' versus 1', which typically grow up versus out, etc.
It depends on the strain, and in some cases the individual plant. What I've seen is that 7 pod giants and reapers tend to be taller than other plants are, and pumpkin habs are a close second. I have a 7 pod giant that;s pushing 7' around now, and a reaper just needed replanting when it was at 6 and a half. Be more worried about the fact that they grow out sideways rather than straight up though. They are a lot wider than they are tall.
With yours. the 7 pod white(White habanero. No evidence as far as I can recall suggests that it's a 7 pod. If you can find a white 7 pod, I need a slice to compare heat level and skin thicknesses) should be the largest out of all of them. They turn kind of sideways if you're not careful.
It depends on the strain, and in some cases the individual plant. What I've seen is that 7 pod giants and reapers tend to be taller than other plants are, and pumpkin habs are a close second. I have a 7 pod giant that;s pushing 7' around now, and a reaper just needed replanting when it was at 6 and a half. Be more worried about the fact that they grow out sideways rather than straight up though. They are a lot wider than they are tall.
With yours. the 7 pod white(White habanero. No evidence as far as I can recall suggests that it's a 7 pod. If you can find a white 7 pod, I need a slice to compare heat level and skin thicknesses) should be the largest out of all of them. They turn kind of sideways if you're not careful.
pretty sure I bought some white 7 pod seeds from judy, she's supposed to be a reliable source right. I did however choose not to grow them just yet.
C. Baccatum > c. Chinense > c. Pubescens> c. Annuum > chacoense > c. Galapagoense
c. Baccatum grow tall
c. Chinense grow over all large
c. Pubescens grow wide and not crazy tall
c. Annuum tree like at times they grow tall
c. Chacoense grows taller than wider depending on the strain
c. Galapagoense grows tall then branches out so stays about evenly wide as it is tall

This is a very general growth "chart" dont take it as this will happen it is just a little of what I have seen and experienced there are always exceptions and oddities
Start here:
Look up your varieties and read the descriptions. They don't necessarily have all the ones you have, but you can get a good idea based on similar plants.
Your manzano is a pubescens type that can become a large bush if the conditions are right and you grow them outdoors. I am in N.E. Ohio, too, and can tell you our conditions are not right for that. I grow them in pots so I can bring them indoors during the winter.
thirdcoasttx said:
pretty sure I bought some white 7 pod seeds from judy, she's supposed to be a reliable source right. I did however choose not to grow them just yet.
She's usually reliable and wouldn't rename a strain. Either she actually has a white 7 pod or someone sold renamed seeds to her. I hope the former, but expect the latter.
Thanks all.  Some good info here that does help me.
cruzzfish - There is discussion as to whether "7 Pot White" is a 7 pot or a white hab or a cross.  Whatever I have, it was good enough to make my grow list cut (and I left off some peppers I really wanted to grow!).  My seed came from these pods, grown by SilverSurfer:

I am also growing out seed from the Cream Fatalii in this box as well.
Nightshade - That's the kind of feel I am trying to get to decide just how close together to plant and who goes beside who.
geeme - the manzano was an easy choice for me.  I'm interested to try growing them and the location where I will put them would not be appropriate for any other peppers I'm growing.  So, I don't have to leave anything else off my list to grow them.  If they do well it's a bonus and if not I really suffer no loss.
cone9 said:
Nightshade - That's the kind of feel I am trying to get to decide just how close together to plant and who goes beside who.
And those cream fatalii's look interesting, nice box of heat there.