How long for Reapers/Morugas to ripen in New England?

I'm getting impatient - is it normal for these superhots to take so long to change color? I'm growing in Eastern Massachusetts. The Carolina Reapers are really small (about the size of a quarter) and the Morugas are huge (averaging an inch and a half wide by 2 inches long, maybe a little more). Neither one has changed size in a while or developed many new peppers, but there's been no sign of color change at all. The Morugas have had a light purple on them for weeks. They're in medium size pots -  plants are kind of small but healthy and I've given them some epsom salt to darken the pale green leaves. I also have some FoxFarm fertilizer but I've only used that in weak doses a couple of times. Also, it's been pretty cool outside at night lately.
from what ive witnessed here in PA, since the season is coming to an end a lot of my plants are on high alert and spitting out ripe pods left and right, so you shouldnt be too far behind.
I'm in the same boat as you down here in NC.  It's hard to tell but that Reaper in my Avatar I took this picture about 2 weeks ago.  It's is the same color today!     although my other plants are doing exactly what Pex is describing and pumping out pods ( Bhut, 7 pot, Taz Habaneros)
Thanks for the info - that's good news to hear. I have a good grow light too but I won't have a place to use it until the winter. I'm hoping to continue the healthiest plants indoors and possibly put them back outside next year to get a head start on the season. I know I won't get a ton of superhot pods this year since my Morugas only have about 5 pods each so far and barely any flowers. But this is only my third year growing peppers and I'm learning a lot from these forums so I'm getting huge pots next time and doing it right.
Hi Patriot,
I'm in CT and my potted Reapers are loaded/loading up nicely but greener than green. I used mostly 3gal pots with some 5 gal and its an obvious correlation to plant and pot size fro me. I just got a hold of nice large nursery pots that were getting dumped which look to be at least 5 gallon. They're wider than deep but  sizable.
I have a row of peppers planted in the ground and they are considerably larger and all but the Reapers are loading up nicely with pods but I'm afraid that the season will run out befoer they ripen. Damn, I started a 4-6 weeks too late this year. Next year I'm sowing some seeds late February.