How long till fresh peppers?

My peppers are just starting to flower, how much longer does it take until fresh peppers approximately. Dont know if it matters but Im growing superhots (Carolina reaper, jays, etc.).
JustLikeNapalm said:
My peppers are just starting to flower, how much longer does it take until fresh peppers approximately. Dont know if it matters but Im growing superhots (Carolina reaper, jays, etc.).
Things are different everywhere. This is not set in stone, but I've noticed where I live that a chinense pod will take 6-8 weeks from set to ripen...depending on weather. Maybe other people have different outcomes.
I would say about two months, but oh wow they very.  A lot is based on weather, but I dont know the magic combination of heat and moisture yet.  Seems like they want more water when first setting pods, but less when they are ripening.
I had a reaper flower a ton for about a month before any pods set, and I had a habanero set almost every flower and had pods at almost mature size within a month. It can definitely vary.
All I know is, it takes too long. I never bothered to time it, because I'm sure it'd drive me mad.

I got a good number of pods set on various plants now. All of them are green, and most of them are tiny. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to stand it.
Hop on a big jet plane and travel the World. They should be ripe when you get back.
The superhots tend to take a good bit longer than habaneros/scotch bonnets, if that's any gauge for you. 
Now, i'm talking about ripening time once the fruit actually sets. If you don't have ideal growing conditions you may experience a lot of flower drop and that will of course push the time back for harvesting ripe pods.
Spicy Mushroom said:
Hop on a big jet plane and travel the World. They should be ripe when you get back.
The superhots tend to take a good bit longer than habaneros/scotch bonnets, if that's any gauge for you. 
Now, i'm talking about ripening time once the fruit actually sets. If you don't have ideal growing conditions you may experience a lot of flower drop and that will of course push the time back for harvesting ripe pods.
I'm taking this approach for vacation in about a week. I'm hoping one or two of the reaper pods I have start blushing. One should be full size before we go, but who knows.

3 months, 15 days, 12 hours, 37 minutes, 47 seconds.