How many Back up Sprouts?

Vicar said:
This reminds me of a story... My brother "rescued" a russian thistle from his yard before it got plucked out as the common nuisance weed that it is. He repotted it, fertilized it, and babied that thing like it was a prize winning rose bush. Months later, he proudly displayed it on his front porch - a seven foot spiked monstrosity with a huge purple bloom on top. To this day (in his mind) it is his crowning gardening achievement.

that is awesome, i would do that just to freak out people who read day of the triffids...
I can see $3.00 per plant, that's pretty much what they go for at the garden stores. But I don't have the room to do that - I'm talking about ripe pods. If I had planted the (smallish) plants I had last year before the middle of June, I would have had far more peppers than I could ever hope to use, unless I start selling powder or sauce.

As a game plan, I'm thinking about offering 3 of each type of say 12 different peppers for $10. The goal would be to sell about five bags per week and if the peppers do any good at all, it should be easy enough to gather 15 pods per week from most of the plants. For larger ones, such as Japapeno or Hungarian Hot Wax, I would have just one of them per bag.

Does this sound too high, too low or about right? Keep in mind, real chilli heads would probably want a lot more if they aren't growing them and I can always cut a deal with them.

wordwiz said:
I can see $3.00 per plant, that's pretty much what they go for at the garden stores. But I don't have the room to do that - I'm talking about ripe pods. If I had planted the (smallish) plants I had last year before the middle of June, I would have had far more peppers than I could ever hope to use, unless I start selling powder or sauce.

As a game plan, I'm thinking about offering 3 of each type of say 12 different peppers for $10. The goal would be to sell about five bags per week and if the peppers do any good at all, it should be easy enough to gather 15 pods per week from most of the plants. For larger ones, such as Japapeno or Hungarian Hot Wax, I would have just one of them per bag.

Does this sound too high, too low or about right? Keep in mind, real chilli heads would probably want a lot more if they aren't growing them and I can always cut a deal with them.

you have a local monopoly so i suggest exercising your market power and implementing price discrimination. I like third degree, where you divide your customers into groups and price differently based on each groups demand. I really kicked my midterms ass today...

anyways, that means i think you should offer a bag for the average chili eater, and a different bag for serious chiliheads, and maybe even two sizes of each. then price the chilihead bag a little higher proportionally b/c they would value it more, but lie and say those plants are rare or less productive or something if they ask...

You really don't sound grumpy!

But I like the idea - a bag of mild, a bag of medium, a bag of inferno, as well as a sampler bag. A lot will depend on how well the plants produce. If I can recover my costs of seeds, lights and containers, I would be a happy camper.

GrumpyBear said:
I really kicked my midterms ass today...

Excellent GB....keep on doin that and the employers will be beating a path to your door and you can name your own price...
I have 79 varieties (soon to be more!) sowing 5 seeds of each, I plan to sell half of the plants and keep the rest planting out half and the rest in pots! Phew.....but what a great hobby!!
imaguitargod said:
Sometimes I do what I like to call Gorilla Gardening. I take the plants and sneak out laght at night, find a spot in someone else's garden and plant them. They I stick a little sign in the ground saying something like, "You have been struck by the Gorilla Gardeners.

Why do I have a picture of a gorilla in a tu-tu going on tippytoes in ballet slippers to someone else's garden?

See why it's good to check spelling? Guerrilla, not gorilla.....
willard3 said:
Why do I have a picture of a gorilla in a tu-tu going on tippytoes in ballet slippers to someone else's garden?

I had this picture of him with his caveman-look beard in a post mushroom consumption buzz, grunting, beating on his chest and waving a pepper plant around in some poor suburbanite's garden at midnight.

But he's still posting, so he's not in jail yet, so maybe your tippytoe tutu scenario is more accurate.

See why it's good to check spelling? Guerrilla, not gorilla.....

Well, to be fair, a speelchucker wouldn't have caught that one.
Pam said:
I had this picture of him with his caveman-look beard in a post mushroom consumption buzz, grunting, beating on his chest and waving a pepper plant around in some poor suburbanite's garden at midnight.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! That's hilarious!!!! Mainly because I've did that once...minus the beating the chest and grunting though.

willard3 said:
Why do I have a picture of a gorilla in a tu-tu going on tippytoes in ballet slippers to someone else's garden?

Hehehe. Spell check is good but appearently the visuls from my spellings are better.
Graet visuls
A new Legend will be born...

"Twas the night before spring, and all through the yard,
not a creature was stirring.....except for Jesus with a couple of naga plants....

People will stop sprouting seeds and buying plants in hopes that Jesus will visit their yard and plant some for them.
replace...."except for Jesus with a couple of naga plants"

with "and getting a gorilla in a pink tutu was hard...."