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chinense How many colors for Bhut Jolokia?

This year I've grown some cool looking Chocolate and Peach Bhuts, and previously I've grown the standard red/orange Bhut. My question is, how many other colors are around? I saw a post today that showed nice yellow ones. As next year's project, I'd like to grow all the colors that are available.
White, peach, yellow, orange (I think), red, caramel (I think), chocolate. 
What we really need is a blue one..............
In my opinion, so far I have only seen three "true" bhut colors, chocolate, red, and yellow. The peach bhuts are wonderful for heat and taste, but not very "bhut-ish" really. The few white bhuts I have tasted so far had little heat and no bhut taste at all. I have seen some caramel colored bhuts around that look really neat, but I haven't tasted or grown any of them yet. There is also a purple bhut that has gone around in a few circles here, but I don't know if the breeders continued developing it or if they stopped, I seem to remember that it didn't have they best reviews.
Its all up for interpretation.
theghostpepperstore said:
In my opinion, so far I have only seen three "true" bhut colors, chocolate, red, and yellow. The peach bhuts are wonderful for heat and taste, but not very "bhut-ish" really. The few white bhuts I have tasted so far had little heat and no bhut taste at all. I have seen some caramel colored bhuts around that look really neat, but I haven't tasted or grown any of them yet. There is also a purple bhut that has gone around in a few circles here, but I don't know if the breeders continued developing it or if they stopped, I seem to remember that it didn't have they best reviews.
Its all up for interpretation.
When my caramel ripen I'll send you some along with my whites. I am currently growing red, yellow, chocolate, white and caramel. 
Thanks everyone. Apart from the Chocolate and Peach, if anyone saves seeds from the other colors and can spare a few, I'd appreciate them.
kentishman said:
Thanks everyone. Apart from the Chocolate and Peach, if anyone saves seeds from the other colors and can spare a few, I'd appreciate them.
I will have some caramel seeds drying within a week. If you want to do a SASBE I can get you some.