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water How to bottom water? Nested party cups approach


So I have one party cup with a small hole in the center of the bottom nested in another party cup with no holes.

How do I go about bottom watering?

Do I just put water in the bottom of the one with no hole in it and nest the one with the hole inside of it?

How much water do I put in the bottom water-holding cup?
Hi, yes, you just nest the one with a hole in the one with no hole..... How much to water depends on the type of soil/mix you use.... If your medium tends to drain water well, just let the cup with the hole sink all the way down then, pull it back and let it drain before putting it back in the other cup..... At least, that's what I do. I'm a first time grower so maybe someone more experienced than me could give you a better answer. Good luck! Just my 2 cents.....
I fill a tub with 1-3 inches of water and place my cups in there.If I put too much water in and the cups don't settle I tilt the tub and put the cups in the shallow end. Since I use RO water and am lazy I leave the water in there for at least a few waterings.
thats not a good idea, here is a few ways tah bottom water
So rather than using a second cup to bottom water, just put all the cups with holes in them in a basin full of water?
I wouldn't fill it an inch or so every 3-5 days unless they dry out then more often , fill a dry one and weigh it then soak it and weigh it again, when you feel em getting to dry weight give em some water.