HOW TO Post a picture I'm clueless!!

Hello all, I'm totally clueless on how to post a picture. Is there info somewhere that can explain in A,B,C,.... TOTALLY JAZZED ABOUT DOING IT JUST TOTALLY CLUELESS! :shocked: later cRAYZy
its very easy.
I'm sure theres steps on this forum for you to post pics, but I'll still tell you.

once you have your selected pic on preview send it to your documents (right click).
then join up on its free & user friendly!
once joined up you'll have your own album for pics, click on options for resizing the pics, choose ? 640 x 800 ? for forums. it tells you what size is better for which application you plan on using the pic for Ex. avatar,website forums,Emails.

then click on the browse button it'll pop up another window, choose the pic you want, then click on the "open" button (this will close that window)
now label/name the pic in the box to the right of your pic (if you want to) you can do a couple at a time or just one if you want.
now just click load.

once done copy/paste the IMG info into the window that pops up on this website (THP) when you click on the "insert image" button towards the top of the "post a reply" page (5th button from the right above where you type your response/post)
get rid of the & [img/] or whatever it is at the front & back of the pic info you copied from photobucket.

bada bing bada bang you're in like flynn posting pics :shocked:
reple to chilehunter

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU . I have a project, now that I have the ABC.s to do it thanks again chilehunter I 'll post soon ;but, it might take awhile my learning curve is 30 years ago so I'll try UNTIL ITS ACCOMPLISHED!! :shocked: later cRAYZy
well cRAZy any luck with the posting of pics ? I'd be willing to go into more depth with the steps of posting pics with you, since what I posted eariler was a basic explaination of the process, but still pretty much to the point of what you need to do.
do you know how to copy/paste ?
like I said I could explain this more over PM or here. I know where you're coming from on how to do things with the computer & online, I'm self taught I just started to mess with it more & ask questions & learned on the way, I never had computers in my class rooms during my school years.