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How to tell hot peppers ripe

I'm new to this site and growing peppers I'm wondering how to tell when peppers reach there hottest state of growing. I'm growing 25 variety from Habs to reaper and all in between and cross pollination of almost all. I hope to find help on here thanks.
a lot just depends on the pepper. most will go from green to some shade of red.  if im not sure about a pepper, i will let it grow until it starts to get a little soft.  jalapenos will be green when ready or turn red when past ready. if the pepper is say a yellow scorpion, then you know it needs to turn yellow.
  :welcome: Peppers ripen differently based on variety. You'll tell when you see a color change, which is synonymous with seed maturing. Although, you CAN eat peppers before they're ripe. They still taste delicious. 
Welcome.Peppers normally start out green (different shades) then will ripen to red yellow chocolate orange and so on.Some peppers will go through 3 or 4 colors before ripening so it really depends on what you are growing.
Thanks to all for your welcomes and advice and time. What about green strains of peppers? Been growing what is supposed to be yellow habanero and been dark green for weeks and huge bigger then any hab I've ever seen almost like a bell pepper size. I started them from seed that I took from a bunch of of yellow habanero given to me. I don't know how to post pics as of yet but will when I fugue how. Thanks again to all for your time...
Actually, Xalapeños are ripe when either green or red depending upon your use.
Red  Xalapeños bring a higher price in Mejican markets.