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seeds How to tend back from the flowering (particularly mail order seedlings)

I've just received ship notification from CCN and I want to better understand this process a little so I get different results from this batch of plants. My first order was all from Hirt's, and the plants were completely rootbound in tiny starter cubes and were already beginning to flower in most cases. In most cases the plants went into Topsy's w/ some potting mix from the nursery nearby that was supposed to contain nutrition for 3 months or something like that. Basically the plants continued along the course of flowering and produces pods, albeit constrained in number for being relatively small plants.

I'm in Florida, so a lot of the stuff on the internet is somewhat difficult to apply since our seasons don't fluctuate all that much save a few months of the year. I'm not particularly concerned about the plants I have from Hirt's, because I'm unsure of their genetics, and I don't care so much about the plants in the tiny Topsy pepper planters either. In constrast, I would like to keep the plants coming from CCN in a vegetative state longer so that they are larger plants when they fruit. The CCN grow-how page suggests, "Be sure to remove all buds, flowers and fruits until you see that the plant has put on good strong growth, or for at least 2 weeks." I want to be sure I do this correctly, both technically and in terms of proper timing. I'd love to hear any tips on how the cuts should be made (pinching vs slicing, closer or further from stem etc) and also whether or not I should do it immediately or wait until they've recovered from transit or ?

Any input is greatly appreciated. I'm happy just to be getting pods at all from my first plants, but I want to do the best I can w/ the one's going in now!

Now that you have seen that,


And most of the rest look the same. I know you wanted some advice on pinching, however, before you even think about pinching I have a few tips so yours DONT END UP LIKE MINE!

You have to understand that CCN puts out a TON of plants and there is no way (or at least no easy way) to ensure that they are babied the way that we do with our own plants grown from seed. The plants looked great coming out of the box, albeit a bit smaller in some cases. The problem lies in the fact that (at least mine) didn't have the greatest established rootball OR were not put through any amount of wind/fans in order to better prepare them for outdoor life. Once I started to harden them off, they were the only ones that got a little sunburnt, and when they went in the ground they got hit with a bit of a cold spell. All of my plants fared with no problems, but the CNNs (all 12) were no bueno. They were stunted pretty bad and are just now starting to turn around. They went in the ground about May 1st for reference.

I know you aren't gonna have the cold, but you will have the sun. I would say first, when you get them in to SLOWLY acclimate them to the sun and outdoor life. When you think they are good and hardened off, take a few more days before you put em out for good. As far as pinching buds, just pinch em. Use your thumb and forefinger and grab close to the base and squeeze it off. No need to worry about getting extremely close to the node, the flower holds the power (yup that rhymes :)), so when it is gone the rest of the "stem" will just drop off. If you have any plants that come with flowers, give em a day or so and pinch. Once they are upright. Remember, the flower takes energy from the plant, but the pod is gonna take A TON more, so waiting a few days isn't gonna hurt at all. Once the plant looks like it can handle the weight of the pods, then let em flower.

You may also get luckier than I and have some stronger plants due to time in the season. Please post photos (in the CCN Thread in the Vendor Vault) when you get them so others can see the shape they come in.

Good Luck
You have to understand that CCN puts out a TON of plants and there is no way (or at least no easy way) to ensure that they are babied the way that we do with our own plants grown from seed. The plants looked great coming out of the box, albeit a bit smaller in some cases. The problem lies in the fact that (at least mine) didn't have the greatest established rootball OR were not put through any amount of wind/fans in order to better prepare them for outdoor life. Once I started to harden them off, they were the only ones that got a little sunburnt, and when they went in the ground they got hit with a bit of a cold spell. All of my plants fared with no problems, but the CNNs (all 12) were no bueno. They were stunted pretty bad and are just now starting to turn around. They went in the ground about May 1st for reference.

I know you aren't gonna have the cold, but you will have the sun. I would say first, when you get them in to SLOWLY acclimate them to the sun and outdoor life. When you think they are good and hardened off, take a few more days before you put em out for good. As far as pinching buds, just pinch em. Use your thumb and forefinger and grab close to the base and squeeze it off. No need to worry about getting extremely close to the node, the flower holds the power (yup that rhymes :)), so when it is gone the rest of the "stem" will just drop off. If you have any plants that come with flowers, give em a day or so and pinch. Once they are upright. Remember, the flower takes energy from the plant, but the pod is gonna take A TON more, so waiting a few days isn't gonna hurt at all. Once the plant looks like it can handle the weight of the pods, then let em flower.

You may also get luckier than I and have some stronger plants due to time in the season. Please post photos (in the CCN Thread in the Vendor Vault) when you get them so others can see the shape they come in.

Good Luck

Thanks for taking the time, in fact my final decision to order from them was partially based on your video which I had come across a few days ago!

With the many months of warmth ahead, I'm going to harden slowly and try my hardest to keep this batch in veg.

Thanks, again.
So is it reccomended to pinch the first buds on all plants grown from seeds too? even if said plants are already in full size pots?
I like to wait until either they are planted out in their final container or location, and then they are able to support themselves with a bunch of pods. You don't want a tiny plant that has a buch of pods weighing them down, it will suck up the energy and may even hurt the plants stem.

Also do a quick search on pinching, there are plenty threads out there.
I like to wait until either they are planted out in their final container or location, and then they are able to support themselves with a bunch of pods. You don't want a tiny plant that has a buch of pods weighing them down, it will suck up the energy and may even hurt the plants stem.

Also do a quick search on pinching, there are plenty threads out there.

The super hots all come tomorrow, so I'll give them a little fresh air in the shade where there's reflected sunlight from the neightbors (white) house for a couple of days and maybe plant out early to middle of next week or so. Something like that, depending on how things look when they come, I guess. It should be a much better situation than the Hirt's scenario where they were in starter cubes and it was hard to manage water and the Florida climate.

Thanks for the info etc!