Howdy fellow hotheads

Short little bio about myself - always loved hot peppers ( mainly jalapeno/habenero/scotch bonnets because thats what they had in stores ) and it wasn't until last winter when my Trinidadian friend hooked me up with some of his mothers hot sauce made from some super hots.  Not only did they burn the hairs that haven't grown yet, they did a great job of burning everything - I'm pretty sure the main drain from the house even suffered.  I became addicted.  Last Spring while shopping for tomatoes for the garden, I ended up buying habs, bonnets, bhut jolokias and a couple other pepper plants.  Did a little bit of research, formulated my grow medium ( 1/4 peat, 1/4 vermi/perli. 1/4 sand and rest sheep manure with a few sprinkles of powdered sulfur from the local grow shop ) and boom - I started growing.  The jolokias did poorly although I did get a handful of fruit from them, habs didn't do anything, bonnets pumped out fruit non stop.  Neighbours thought I was nuts running around with a paint brush molesting my flowers - screw them.
Fast forward to this year.  The shop ended up buying new varieties so I got a bunch.  This year each plant has its own pot, most pots are pretty big.  The soild medium hasn't changed - 1/4 peat - 1/4 sand - 1/4 perli/vermi - 1/4 sheep goo... these fractions aren't stable... toward the end I ran out of sand so some pots don't have any, which I compensated using perli/vermi.  Each pot got a little bit of potting mix thrown in to "fill" up the pots.  Also have the powdered sulfur in there with them.  When I purchased them last week they weren't in the sun at the garden center.  Because we still have cool nights  here in Toronto I put them into my old mans greenhouse amongst his lettuce and tomatoes.  Its gets nice and warm and has pretty high humidity.  They have been in here for a week.  Gave them each a cup of dechlorinated warm water once I planted them but thats it... soil has moisture.  They get about 4-6 hours sunlight in the green house right now.  Heres the grow op.

I got back from vacation yesterday and noticed a few leaves that look like trouble.  Naturally I hit google and found this site.  I have been reading through the backpages but the information is overwhelming right now - yes, I'm a total noob when it comes to growing... this is my second year.  I had a similar situation last year whch I thought was due to overly moist medium ( we had a really wet summer last year and I got lazy moving the pots in and out of the rain ).  However now I'm assuming it wasn't the water rather something in the soil.  Reading a recent topic here I beleive my medium may be to "hot" or something went wrong with transplanting. 
I have noticed that the plants grew just a bit from last week, tiny new beautiful green leaves are coming however the following is starting to concern me.
This is a leave of my trinidad scorp. Those brown spots are worrying me.  I swear the spots are growng right in front of my eyes... I've went to check on them at least 5 times today.  My other plant has tiny similar spots starting to form.

This here was labelled the "Reaper" - sounded badass so I purchased a couple.  Here the brown spots can be seen again.

We have a decent forcast coming up in a day and I will start putting them outside in drect sun for several hours a day before I put them out in full sun.  I'm watching the forcast carefully for any signs of rain and will slowly adjust my plants to living in full sun. 
Back to the researching I go - look forward to contributing to the forums soon :)
:welcome:  from the West Coast :)
They look great overall, if you get that spot figured out lemme know, I'm pretty sure I've got the same deal hehe.
:welcome:  enjoy the new addiction lol.  Last year was my first year with four plants purchased from my work and this year I still have those four plus over two dozen new plants started from seed.  At this rate I'll have acres full of peppers in the next 5 years!  By the way your plants look great!
Welcome! the plants in general look healthy to me!
If its hot you want, then you made a good choice with the reapers!
Your plants look great. The new growth is very healthy. Can't explain the brown spots, maybe a fertilizer burn, but concentrate on how the new growth looks.
And welcome from a grower in South Carolina!
Thanks for the warm welcome folks - I'm finding out you all have a great community here as I read the various topics just in this section alone.  Wow, so much to read and I'm starting to wrap my head around the inner workings of these plants but I will get there.  I can sleep well tonight after you guys ok'd my plants... I already had visions of rebuilding my house just to get these little buggers the right environment.  I'll be picking up a pH kit soon to see what my soil is doing.
Jamison - wicked avatar pic
sreinhard - I feel exactly the same way you do :P  Already looking for more room to place some pots... neighbours yards looks prime :rofl:
Hi. Let me put your mind at rest. On the second picture you have some spots, a tear and a straight cut. These are perfectly normal growing damage. Your leaf has been squashed against the rim of another pot and caused minor damage. The tiny spots are probably something similar where the leaves get damaged by moving, potting on, watering etc.

The third pic looks like sun burn or where water has remained on the leaf and it has then been exposed to the sun.

All normal and fine.
Well, today was day 1 suntanning in full sun.  The babies got 4 hours of sun/cloud and my 7 pots began to sulk.  I swear I watched the Devils Tongue new leaves grow... Everyone returned to the greenhouse and are happy campers - more exposure coming Saturday/Sunday/Monday and soon enough they will be good to go full time outside to bask in the rays of the sun.  Gonna give them some water tomorrow because they seem to be running a wee bit dry ( did the 1.5 inch finger bang to determine moisture content ).  Spent a few hours on here today during my down time and I'll be firing up an AACT brew soon.  Fermented hot sauce looks great and I'm surprsed to see so many fisherfolks on board. 
Nice to see some fellow Canadan folks here :dance:
heefy - thanks for the input.  Guess my hammer smashing, wood slinging, contractor hands are a little too rough for the wee little ones - or I drank too many beers while planting them.  Thanks for the reassurance
SpraysOnTheWayOut said:
Well, today was day 1 suntanning in full sun.  The babies got 4 hours of sun/cloud and my 7 pots began to sulk.  I swear I watched the Devils Tongue new leaves grow... Everyone returned to the greenhouse and are happy campers - more exposure coming Saturday/Sunday/Monday and soon enough they will be good to go full time outside to bask in the rays of the sun.  Gonna give them some water tomorrow because they seem to be running a wee bit dry ( did the 1.5 inch finger bang to determine moisture content ).  Spent a few hours on here today during my down time and I'll be firing up an AACT brew soon.  Fermented hot sauce looks great and I'm surprsed to see so many fisherfolks on board. 
Nice to see some fellow Canadan folks here :dance:
heefy - thanks for the input.  Guess my hammer smashing, wood slinging, contractor hands are a little too rough for the wee little ones - or I drank too many beers while planting them.  Thanks for the reassurance
beauty post
Catching up with the forum here.  Finding myself laying in bed at night surfing the back pages, dreaming of lush plant with ripe fruit.  Doing nightly 'Pepper Patrols' to look for enemy snails  and watching the weather hard to see if any rain is on the way ( storm rolling through tonight so I'm putting the babies into shelter ).  Over watering was a big issue last year and this year I nearly killed 3 bonnets from UNDER watering :rofl:  but they're fine now after a decent soaking... couldn't believe they actually bounced back... super strengthening my peppers ;)
These last 5 days have been interesting - main focus is to educate myself through peoples expertise and others mistakes.  Been hardening off my potted plants to make sure I don't kill them... sure enough a plant of two have a couple leaves that took a bit of a beating which I am closely monitoring .  Gave them a very diluted shot of Cal Mag as the only additive thus far - will be setting up an AACT bucket hopefully tonight - got what I need so I'm hoping to get that in there ASAP as I am starting to notice some problems.  I'm really digging organic growing and I know a few peeps on here who will thumbs me up for saying it :)  Rock on brothers and sisters, mother nature is beast :dance: ( I know, contradicted myself with the Cal Mag but I'm ironing out the kinks - theres a bhut load of information to take it )
The reapers I got from the shop ( knew a lot less then ) all had curly, distorted new growth.  I picked the ones with least amount of 'distortion'.  After reading here I discovered both plants have some aphucks.  Upon further inspection I found bogeys on a couple other plants - gonna wage war soon and treat all plants - no messing around...
Other than that there is nothing major - just an update for anyone interested in reading.  I'm sure my rookieness is evident and loud to all the seasoned growers but I am getting a grasp of things - I'm hoping my write ups and reports can be a lesson to some new growers.  What is CLEARLY evident throughout the many posts I find is that over attention and gardeners being impatient lead to most plant problems - I'm having a hard time not seeing my peppers for 2 hours... my peppers or my children... good lord...
Jah bless THP!