How's my Black Pearl doing?

Good Morning, All!
This year is a first for me growing Black Pearl peppers.  The seeds were one of Justin's amazing freebies from White Hot Peppers.
For those of you with experience with the variety, would you offer up your opinions on how it's doing?  It was seeded in coir 3/22, transplanted into my potting mix 4/1 when its first cotys appeared (which were really dark), and transplanted 4/22 when the first set of true leaves developed.  It's now growing in a mix of Hoffman's Seed Starting Mix, coir and worm castings (8:1:1), getting Dyna-Gro Grow and an occasional spritz of Cal-Mag.  Today, I just watered everything with a solution of Great White.  The color of the cotys concerned me, as they really dark when they popped, but I decided to just be patient.  The true leaves are now developing some darker coloration from the tip back to the axil.  This plant is now less then a month old.  Is it progressing as it should and does it look relatively healthy?  Thanks for any opinions!


