HP56 Death Strain.

This is one I am going to want to try to grow at home. It sounds really good. I want lots of seeds so I can start them all and pass them around when they get a couple pairs of true leaves. I will watch for news about getting the seeds, here. Growing the hottest peppers in the world is always good. My Carolina Reaper isn't going to make it. The leaves are drooping and shriveling. On the other hand, I have given out a couple of them and those are probably doing well. Sharing death strain will be even better.
JayT said:
I ate a half of a pod.  Insane.
I like  :hot: stuff,but it might be too hot. :liar: Then again in chili it wouldn't be bad. :rofl:  :rofl: I would try a 1/8 of a pod maybe 1/4,but no way on a half of pod. :crazy:  :crazy:
Its a literal screamer on heat,flavor is pathetic,floral,bitter and everything this side of a frontal scovil lobotomy
Pretty worthless in the context of "eating"(for civility and not public displays of retardation)
Im far from pressed to grow out the seeds . . . . . . . .
TNKS said:
Its a literal screamer on heat,flavor is pathetic,floral,bitter and everything this side of a frontal scovil lobotomy
Pretty worthless in the context of "eating"(for civility and not public displays of retardation)
Im far from pressed to grow out the seeds . . . . . . . .
That is good to know. I don't mind burning my face off trying a new pepper, but I have no use for any pepper that just doesn't taste good. If you want a hotter sauce, just use more of the pepper you like the taste of. I'd rather just use more Primo material, because that one is still super hot and tastetastes really good. I would bet Ed won't even release that one until someone else beats the record.
Jase4224 said:
What does it look like?
Looks something like a C.Reaper,but who knows in the end.I read somewhere about a HP48 and then a HP50.I think it's the HP56 which came from them.When the seeds come available,this one will be on my list to grow.  :crazy:  :crazy:  :crazy:
In read an interview w Ed Currie.in it he aid something about that alludes that he won't release until he needs to. Meaning until something threatens the reaper claim.
It's a gamble... He could find himself throwing up his new pepper against an even hotter one.. Better to claim a new record now (if its ready) make some money off it. then find out his new Death Strain isnt hot enough to take the top spot from what replaces the reaper. 
I'm sure it would still sell regardless but not to the "New World Record Holder" amount .
In its favor I'll say it would be a good one to cross with a big flavor strain.
As it stands now it will need several more generations to get close to any reasonable flavor profile.
Its just a ruff ole dog of a pepper as it stands.
I thought the flavor was pretty good, but I only tasted it one and the flavor was only there for three seconds before the heat knocked me straight on my ass!