primarily sells Pepper and Tomato seeds. Now we are offering many new varieties of vegetable seeds like: Kohlrabi, Wheat, Pumpkin, Lettuce, Cabbage, Corn, Beet, Herbs, Carrot, Onion, Celery, Broccoli and many many more!
Avoid this company and individual like the plague! It is now public knowledge that this individual is knowingly selling seeds and taking pre-orders for misidentified species and also for species that do not exist.
The thread below gives clarity as to who you are dealing with and screenshots from their website proving what a huckster they are.
So i got seeds a few years ago and been growing out CAP 212 C. chacoense for a while now but some other seeds must of got into the mix. and i have been growing them out as well. It is some kind of wild baccatum but i never seen anything like it. Any help would be great. Heres some photos, Thanks...