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Humidity tray question

Ok, so i showed back up from atlantic city to find out that a bunch of seeds in my jiffy tray deal had sprouted over the weekend

i'm really excited except for a few of them which look a little haggard right now

so i need some advice here but first let me show you what i'm workin with here


sorry its sideways i didnt realize till after i uploaded it.

for the most part all are green seedlings eager for me to take that lid off, but theres a few where the seed leaves are like yellow and tiny. theres 2 jalapenos like that and 1 of my bhuts that sprouted.

please hheellpp me haha
youre right, but i think since everything else is so healthy its worth risking 2 seedlings to get the rest of the seeds to sprout.

the only thing i havent gotten any sprouts in yet are the california wonder bells
They look a bit leggy and perhaps scalded, what's the lighting like?

New shoots shouldn't be brown FAIK... ;)
ha yea thats why i was confused.

theres a cfl lamp right above it that keeps it well lit 24/7 but not close or hot enough to burn it.

plus out of a 72 tray it was only 3 plants and only 2 of them were next to eachother.
i use humidity covers but take them off as soon as i see the first seedling break through as for your light .... plants are like people they need some dark time as well give them 16 hours of light and 8 hours of dark .....
i cant really take it off the minute i see one break thru cause theres 71 others to worry about ha. but as the majority of each section of 9 sprout i cut it out and but it under light. but i run my lights pretty much 24/7 everything seems to grow fine.