• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

HwyBill's Peppers 2013

The 2013 season has begun! :onfire:

I planted about 80-85 varieties overall, nearly 100 seeds, and filled up 2 full Jiffy trays.


There are seeds that are proven performers, seeds I haven't been able to germinate yet and just wanted to give another shot, seeds that I just recently got in trades and purchases, and seeds sourced and gathered from places like Nepal, Sir Lanka, New Zealand, India, Italy, Australia, Peru, and the Home Depot in Kileen, Texas (Fort Hood).

I have peppers ranging in piquance from sweet Bell's to the much lauded Carolina Reaper.

spp. range from annum to baccatum to chinense to frutescence to praetermissum to pubescens to wild types and unindetified spp. I even planted two "Blue Mystery" pepper seeds.

Really happy to begin what will hopefully be a very fruitful 2013 for all! :party:


If you look closely at the back tray, you can see a few seeds which have already started to germinate and produced hooks. As you can see, I germinate in Jiffy trays, make sure the soil is very moist, set them on my gas-powered stovetop (the pilot light under the hood of the stove acts as a heat mat), and the lids to the trays provide a nice evaporation chamber creating a sort of a "green house" environment.

All of the seeds were sown in the week between 12-31-12 and 01-06-13.

I already have 3 confirmed trades of additional seeds en-route from my family's farm, as well as a few more common seeds I might plant, so I expect I will probably fill up another half-Jiffy tray.
With the amazing varieties you collected this shoud be really entertaining Bill!
Already got my seeds?

Best of luck for the season!

This season is going to be amazing..

It's all due to THP members and my father.

I'll definitely be hooking you up with some amazing varieties.
Week 2:

Here's the germ bed... I've had pretty good germination rates with the seeds from Week 0. You can see some sproutlings in the full tray above. Have germination on pretty much every type of plant sown, but a little re-seeding will need to be done. Seeds sown in Week 1 have began to hook in second full tray. The last parts of the half-tray was seeded tonight, and those will be the last as far as different types of plants go. I ended up planting about around 200 seeds total, and after losses and what I get rid of I plan to put about 100 plants in the ground in May.


I actually moved the sproutling tray off of the germ mat and into a light cabinet. You can see them a lot better now. They'll remain uncovered now, but they'll get lots of light (24hrs) and plenty of water.


Here's the indoor Grow Ops atm. They get 18-6 light, watered about twice a week, fed every other week or so, and 3 hours of fans a day. The cayenne in the back-right corner has begun to re-flower, but only a few so far and I haven't seen any pods set yet.


Here's the Bhut that got fried on the car ride back to Chicago from the farm over New Year's. You can see from the young shoots that it has started to bounce back a bit. It was/is my favorite plant, but I'm sure it doesn't feel as highly about me at the moment. :rolleyes:

Quite an impressive grow you have. Glad to see you got the Bhut to bounce back. Cant wait to see how your grow goes.
I'll post a whole-grow update soon, but I just wanted to update a few plants:


These are plants resulting from pods/seeds I gathered when in South Asia last summer.

I gathered one in India (background), and the rest in Nepal (foreground; I still have one seed I haven't been able to germinate yet).

Here's what they looked like when I collected them:

India I: http://i.imgur.com/PEHiD.jpg
Nepal I: http://i.imgur.com/jJLRM.jpg
Nepal II: http://i.imgur.com/x9fv7.jpg
Nepal III: http://i.imgur.com/gmqVR.jpg?1
Nepal IV: http://i.imgur.com/IS4P1.jpg

When the seeds came back to Chicago, most of them looked pretty trashed. When you are living in a cloud in the Himalayan hills, it pretty much rains every day and is very moist. However, they have mostly germinated (*hiss* Nepal II), and these plants seem to be doing decent so far.

Here is a video of where I collected Nepal IV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRrapzrEspc&feature=youtu.be

I think it is more of a wild ornamental type, as it really had no perceivable piquance when I ate the fresh pods.