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Hydro nightmare

Thanks to faulty litmus papers, my pH was way too high - 9.2. I didn't have access to pH down so I used vinegar which worked - temporarily. But its effect was to break up this brownish scale that had formed around the sides and bottom, creating suds, murky water and stuff floating around in it. I had to change the water, no easy task with an 18-gallon tank, no drain pipe and no water hose. What's more, with no quick backup system available, I had to do it quickly so the plants would not get too distressed.

Getting the thing cleaned was fairly simple but removing a gallon of water at a time and then dumping it down the toilet took some time. But in an hour I had it filled and water swirling, then had to get the pH balanced. I was able to only let it set for another hour before putting plants in but this morning it didn't look like the chlorine did them any harm.

Now it's just getting the pH and nuit levels balanced which shouldn't take more than a day or two.

If you ask me, other than a nifty little setup, or as an experiment Hydro isnt worth the trouble.

Sometimes dirt is better :)
Stuff like that sucks. It makes an supposedly easy system quite a task for a day or two. Glad you managed to save your plants with any damage done!

I'd like to try hydroponic growing once, but atm I lack the space and money to set up a proper system!

I disagree as I'm sure other water farmers will. Plants seem to grow better and quicker with less problems from insects. But like everything else, there is a learning curve. Pablo advised me to get meters and I wanted to - but I had to wait for my PP account to get replinished.

Since my goal is to have three or four different plants growing this winter, plants that don't do well in containers unless they are tubs, hydro seems like it fits the bill. I consider my problem being akin to having problems with plants growing in containers and not realizing all the white stuff isn't dandruff or pollen but aphids!
