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Hydrogen peroxide spray bottle

Sometimes I do a lot of research on things, and sometimes I'm just too lazy to do so. It usually depends upon how much time I have available, or how urgent something is perceived to be (or not.) From time to time I've thought it would be great to have hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle. However, I know that the stuff usually comes in a dark bottle, and the effect of it on certain materials can be, well, interesting. I didn't want to get just any spray bottle and then end up with a problem.

So I happened to need to purchase more hydrogen peroxide, and stopped at the local wally world this morning. Lo and behold, they now have a small spray bottle of hydrogen peroxide. Cool. It's small - smaller than is very useful for using it with plants, but it looks like the spray head will fit onto the large bottles, too, so I purchased both the spray bottle and a large bottle. I've got a couple plants that look like they're starting to get damping off, so I went home and immediately sprayed the surface soil of those pots. (Note I also add some when I'm watering, but I wanted something less diluted for these pots at the surface.)

If you've had similar concerns about putting hydrogen peroxide into a spray bottle in the past, you might want to check this out. I haven't looked for a spray bottle of the stuff elsewhere, but it seems likely that if wally world carries them, you may well find them at another chain, too, since wally world isn't usually a change leader.
Good post. I'm a noob, so take what I am about to write with a grain of salt. I've been using a standard spray bottle I bought at the 99cent store. I fill it with 1/4 cup H2O2, one coffee cup full of hot brewed chamomile tea, and top it off with boiling water. After this cools, I use it to mist my seedlings and the soil in my sprouting tray daily. The seedlings don't seem to mind it, and knock on wood I haven't had one seccumb to damping-off yet.
Two things. First, I'm just growing peppers for myself. I had a "whopping" 48 plants last year, and decided to go with only 24 plants this year. So I'm only addressing those who don't have large needs here. Second, I'm not talking about using a solution, but hydrogen peroxide straight. I'm not trying to prevent damping off - it's already started. I haven't had plants this big and outdoors experience damping off before, so this kind of took me by surprise. I am hoping that by hitting the soil surface with it directly, it will stop it in its tracks before the plants totally succumb. (I've got them tied up now, but they were leaning significantly.)

So yes, our circumstances are a bit different!
I just use any random bottle but I only mix as much as I plan to use in the next couple days. Supposedly for longer term storage the bottle should block light so the H202 doesn't break down into water and oxygen until it is applied to the plant or soil. I'm too chicken to use it full strength, always 1:10 or so seems to work if I catch any problems early enough.