Hydroponic Brain Strain from PexPeppers - damn kryptonite!

Beautiful pepper from PexPeppers, grown in a hydroponic system. 
A very good-sized red 7-pot Brain Strain. These always get me and this hydroponically grown pepper scared the living daylights out of me. HOT!!! 

The flavour was typical of red Brain Strains - fruity, slightly floral, but not sweet. It`s a pretty good flavour that I enjoy, with a hint of bitterness that I attribute to the very high capsaicin concentration. 

OMG, are these hot!!! And waaay more potent than kryptonite...........
And again a super review!! U really got scared? Or is it just a figure of speech? (just to compare to other reviews u made)
At the moment I also have the red 7pod brainstrain growing,  Seeing your review makes me doubt to try eat them whole like u.....
Love your reviews Nigel u allways describe perfectly the taste, heat level and your experience, keep em comin' !