• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

I am back

It has been a few years since I posted in here. I think 2014 was the last time, not sure, but either way, I am back. Had some issues on my end with alcohol and some operations but all is good now. Been sober and healed up from the operations so am now ready to start getting serious again with growing. 
I didnt start any seeds this year so will be buying plants. Although I do have a plant that I started 4 yrs ago here in my office that is still going strong. I keep it in a small pot so it stays small. It almost dies twice now but it is a fighter. The first time was when I went into the hospital for a month and no one watered it until it was almost too late. I also had about 75 seedlings that died because no one watered them. The 2nd time I put it outside for a little bit of sun and forgot about it. The temp dipped pretty low that night and almost killed it.
Last year I had another 75 that died because I tried to recycle some dirt from the year before that I had in buckets. Didn't realize that the stray cats in the neighborhood used them as their litter box. Wont make that mistake again LOL.
So anyhow, looking forward to adding into the discussions and posting some pics from this years grow. I might try to start some seeds this weekend but dont think they will produce much since they getting started so late. I usually start my seeds end of November, beginning of December. 