I can't believe it...

Finally, my peppers were giving me some love in return (almost have enough for a batch of sauce) and some freak thunderstorm came through here and dropped a ton of hail. Looks like my plants are toast. They got beat up pretty bad.

I came home from work (I now work at a tv station) and went outside to survey the damage. Leaves everywhere. I picked up a few habs off the ground, but it was dark so I didn't see much more than that.

I may not have a good sauce season.
That sucks DD. I hope you shook your fist defiantly at the sky & hurled abuse.
Hopefully you'll get enough to make some sauce even if it is a little green it can still be good.
O.K heres one to shout while waving your fist -

"Thor, you're a skirt wearer and your hammer is adorned with pink tassels"

honestly...that's really going to upset him.

Vengence will be yours mwahahaha
That does suck.... I have quite a bit of green peppers I am just waiting for some freakish storm like that to come thru ... albeit its supposed to be a very hot weekend in CT .... I still keep looking in my peripheral vision for that ominous black cloud
I went out to survey the damage. It's pretty bad. One of my habs is pounded flat and all of the new flowers have been knocked off. There are leaves and branches everywhere. I'm not even going into the tomatoes.... Let's just say it looks like a little kid took a baseball bat to 'em.
sorry to hear about the damage, I also had hail damage this summer to my chile plants but they made it through. granted those plants that got hit the hardest have less pods on them vs other plants that only lost some small branches & leaves. but with your season down there I'd think you should still get several pods (just very late in the season)
I almost have enough peppers to make some "Barnacle Remover". I'll just have to keep an eye on the plants and make sure to baby the hell of them.